
We can put @Transactional annotation on methods (including private methods) and Ebean enhancement will add transaction demarcation to those methods.

public void process(OffsetDateTime startOffset) {


For the @Transactional to work we need to make sure the ebean.mf manifest file specifies the packages that contain the classes annotated with @Transactional such that they are enhanced.

The ebean.mf file is typically located in src/main/resources/ebean.mf.

Example ebean.mf

entity-packages: org.example.domain
transactional-packages: org.example
querybean-packages: none

With the example above we are enhancing @Transactional methods for classes in org.example and any sub-packages.

Reference: docs/configuration/manifest

Note that the CLI Command line tool can generate the ebean.mf file so look to use that if you like.