
Annotate methods with @Transactional and all database queries and changes will occur in a single transaction.

The transaction will use the default database, be put into the "thread local scope" and will commit if the methods completes successfully.

public void process(OffsetDateTime startOffset) {


Use Transaction.current() to return the current transaction from "thread local scope" of the default database.

public void process(OffsetDateTime startOffset) {
  Transaction txn = Transaction.current();

use database.currentTransaction() to return the current transaction for a given database that is typically not the default database.

Database otherDb = DB.byName("other");

Transaction txn = otherDb.currentTransaction();


As an alternative to @Transactional we can use beginTransaction() to start an explicit transaction. The transaction is put into the "thread local scope" and used by any subsequent queries, save, delete etc.

We should use a try with resources block to ensure that the transaction is closed if any error occurs in the block.

try (Transaction transaction = DB.beginTransaction()) {

  // do stuff...
  Customer customer = ...

  Order order = ...


Kotlin transaction.use { }

Kotlin use is used similarly to try with resources to ensure the transaction is closed.

DB.beginTransaction().use { transaction ->

  // do stuff...
  val customer = ...

  val order = ...


commit(), rollback(), end()

Often with a try with resources block we don't need explicit calls to transaction.rollback() or transaction.end() like the example for beginTransaction() above.

rollback() will rollback the transaction and commonly we use that in a catch block.

end() will rollback the transaction if it has not already been committed. We primarily use end() in a finally block.

Transaction transaction = DB.beginTransaction()
try {
  // do stuff...
  Customer customer = ...

  Order order = ...


} catch (SomeException e) {

} finally {
  transaction.end();  // rollback if not committed


Occasionally in larger transactions we get to a point where we would like to commit the changes to this point but then carry on processing with subsequent changes potentially failing. We use transaction.commitAndContinue() for this.


We use transaction.setRollbackOnly() such that a transaction will not commit but only rollback.

We can make use of this when some processing has a sort of "preview" mode where we process changes but then do not commit. This can also be useful in some testing scenarios.


database.createTransaction() will create a transaction but it will NOT be put in "thread local scope". We generally use this when we have a transaction that we want to pass between threads.

For example: start a transaction, obtain a row lock, if that is successful pass the transaction to a task to execute via a background thread.

When we use createTransaction() we must explicitly use the transaction in queries and saving etc. We explicitly specify the transaction with query beans via ... and model.save(transaction) etc.

try (Transaction transaction = DB.getDefault().createTransaction()) {

  var customer = new QCustomer(transaction) // explicit transaction
  customer.update(transaction);  // explicit transaction


Implicit transactions

When no transactions are specified explicitly Ebean will create a transaction to perform the action.

Query - read only transaction

For queries Ebean will look to use a read only transaction. If a Read Only DataSource has be configured Ebean will look to use that by default.

Insert, Update, Delete

For all persist requests like save, insert, update, delete Ebean will create a transaction and perform a COMMIT at the end of the operation.