Eclipse IDE

Ebean uses bytecode enhancement to provide dirty checking and lazy loading. Setup Eclipse to use the Ebean agent to enhance entity beans and transactional methods when we develop and run tests in the IDE.

Install the Plugin for IntelliJ IDEA or Eclipse IDE.

Eclipse IDE

Preferences > Installed JREs

Goto the installed JRE's and hit Edit



Add -javaagent

Add the ebean-agent as a VM -javaagent argument to the JRE. Use this JRE for your project.

Eclipse maven and annotation processing

With Ebean we can use query beans to create strongly typed queries. To do this we use annotation processing to generate the query beans.

To get Eclipse IDE to easily use annotation processing we should install the m2e apt plugin and enable it on the project.

Install m2e-apt plugin

Help > Eclipse Marketplace

Install the m2e-apt plugin from the eclipse marketplace.



Enable m2e-apt plugin

Properties > Java Compiler > Annotation processing

Enable the m2e-apt plugin on the project.