Delete query
Execute a query deleting rows.
int rows = new QContact()
delete from contact where email = ?
Example 2
int rows = new QContact()
delete from contact where email like ? escape'|' and first_name = ?
Example 3
When a where expression is on a associated bean path like OneToMany then the sql delete uses a subquery.
int rows = new QCustomer()"")
delete from customer where id in (
select distinct
from customer t0
join contact u1 on u1.customer_id =
where like ? escape'|'
Cascading delete
If the bean type that we are deleting has cascading delete defined by for example
then the cascade will be honored.
In the following example Customer cascades save and delete to billingAddress.
// setup - a customer with a billing address
Customer customer = new Customer("Bad Example");
customer.setBillingAddress(new Address("My Street", "Hopeful City"));;
// deleting customer needs to cascade delete the billingAddress
int rows = new QCustomer()
The above ends up executing 4 statements in a transaction.
-- first select the ids of customers that will be deleted
select from customer t0 where like ? escape'' ; --bind(Bad%)
-- select the foreign keys that will be cascade deleted
select, t0.billing_address_id, t0.shipping_address_id from customer t0 where in (? )
-- delete the customers
delete from customer where id=?;
-- [cascade] delete the related billing addresses
delete from address where id=?;
persistCascade false
When the transaction has persist cascade turned off then the query will instead just execute the single delete statement.
try (Transaction transaction = DB.beginTransaction()) {
// turn off persist cascade
int deletedRows =
new QCustomer()
delete from customer where name like ? escape'' ; --bind(Bad%)
Compare SqlUpdate
If we want to use SQL directly we can instead use SqlUpdate to execute sql delete statements.