This is currently only applicable to Postgres 10
We can specify common partitioning ranges such as Day, Week, Month and Year. This will then result in appropriate DDL generation and some supporting features to make maintaining partitions easier.
@DbPartition(mode = PartitionMode.MONTH, property = "whenOccurred")
public class Event extends Model {
Postgres DDL
- The table DDL uses
partition by range
- Ebean supplies helper functions to create partitions
- When CREATE ALL DLL is executed (ie. testing) Ebean will check for partitions and create some if none exist
create table event (
id bigserial not null,
name varchar(255) not null,
when_occurred timestamptz not null
) partition by range (when_occurred);
Creating Partitions
Ebean by default supplies helper functions partition
and partition_init
to make it
easier to create partitions going forward. The below statement creates Week
partitions on the
event table. It will create a unique index on the id column and an index on the when_occurred column.
select partition('week','event','id','when_occurred',3)
The above ensures the current partition and the 3 next partitions are created.
Initial partitions
Generally we will specify explicitly some DDL to create the initial partitions in extra-ddl.xml
The below example uses partition_init
to create partitions that have a large initial partition.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<extra-ddl xmlns="http://ebean-orm.github.io/xml/ns/extraddl">
<ddl-script name="1 initial partitions" >
select partition_init(date '2015-01-01', 'week', 'event', 'id', 'when_occurred', 3);
select partition_init(date '2015-01-01', 'month', 'event_log', 'id', '', 2);
When we don't specify any initial partitions Ebean will detect that there are no partitions and create
some for us when it is executing the create all ddl
. In the logs we will see messages like
the ones below when this occurs.
12:18:47.711 [main] INFO i.e.dbmigration.DdlGenerator - No table partitions for table event
12:18:47.711 [main] INFO io.ebean.DDL - Executing initial table partitions - 1 statements
12:18:47.711 [main] DEBUG io.ebean.DDL - executing 1 of 1 select partition('week','event','id','when_occurred',1)
Once we explicitly specify how to create initial partitions in extra-ddl
then Ebean will no longer
create these partitions automatically.