DB Migrations

DB Migrations are DDL changes that are applied typically when the application is started.

Ebean can generate the migrations for us by performing a diff on the model and then generating database platform specific DDL for the change.

Ebean can also run the migrations (similar to FlywayDb). It is recommended to use Ebean's built in migration runner rather than FlywayDb or LiquiBase.


Add either ebean-test as a test scope dependency (which includes ebean-ddl-generator and other dependencies).


OR add ebean-ddl-generator as a test scope dependency.


Generate a Migration

In src/test/java add code to generate migrations. This first example generates database migrations for a single database platform - Postgres in this example.

package main;

import io.ebean.annotation.Platform;
import io.ebean.dbmigration.DbMigration;
import java.io.IOException;

public class MigrationGenerator {

   * Generate the next "DB schema DIFF" migration.
  public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {

    DbMigration dbMigration = DbMigration.create();

import io.ebean.annotation.Platform
import io.ebean.dbmigration.DbMigration

fun main() {
  DbMigration.create().apply {

Multi-platform migration generation

To generate migrations for multiple different database platforms we use addPlatform() for each platform we want to generate migrations for. In the below example we generate migrations for Postgres, SqlServer and MySql.

public class MigrationGenerator {

   * Generate the next "DB schema DIFF" migration.
  public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {

    DbMigration dbMigration = DbMigration.create();


fun main() {
  DbMigration.create().apply {

Run the main method to generate the database migration. If nothing has changed then no migration will be generated. If the model has changed then the database migration is generated for the DIFF to the model.

Running the generation starts Ebean in offline mode (we do not need a database running to generate the migration). Ebean performs a DIFF to the model and generates the migration DDL script(s) for the platforms that we specified.

By default the generated migrations go into src/main/resources/dbmigration.

Running migrations

To get Ebean to run the DB migrations on startup:

1. Set ebean.migration.run to true

Via properties - e.g. application.properties
## run migrations when the Ebean starts
Via yaml - e.g. application.yaml
## run migrations when the Ebean starts
    run: true

2. Add ebean-migration dependency

Add io.ebean:ebean-migration as a dependency if it is not already.


With ebean.migration.run=true then when Ebean starts it will look at the migrations and run any that need to be run. The migration runner will by default create a table called db_migration that holds the metadata about the migrations that have been run and inserts into this table when migrations are successfully executed.