Where raw()

We can use raw() expressions to add arbitrary SQL expressions to the where clause of a query.

  .raw("add_days(orderDate, 10) < ?", someDate)

See more detail and examples.


With findNative() we give Ebean SQL. Ebean will automatically map the columns in the result back to the bean(s).

String nativeSql = "select id, name from customer where name like :some";

List<Customer> customers =
    ebeanServer.findNative(Customer.class, nativeSql);
      .setParameter("some", "Rob%")

See more detail and examples.


RawSql is like findNative except instead of the mapping being automatic we explicitly define the mapping of how the result columns map to the entity beans.

String rs = "select o.id, o.status, c.id, c.name, " +
    " d.id, d.order_qty, p.id, p.name " +
    "from orders o join customer c on c.id = o.customer_id " +
    "join order_detail d on d.order_id = o.id  " +
    "join product p on p.id = d.product_id  " +
    "where o.id <= :maxOrderId  and p.id = :productId " +
    "order by o.id, d.id asc";

RawSql rawSql = RawSqlBuilder.parse(rs)
    .tableAliasMapping("c", "customer")
    .tableAliasMapping("d", "details")
    .tableAliasMapping("p", "details.product")

List<Order> ordersFromRaw = Ebean.find(Order.class)
    .setParameter("maxOrderId", 2)
    .setParameter("productId", 1)

See more detail and examples.


SqlQuery is a query that doesn't use entity beans and instead returns SqlRow objects. As such there is no bean mapping.

SQL Views