ORM Query

There are several forms of ORM query. For detailed information on queries goto docs / query

"Pure" ORM Query

Below are examples of pure ORM queries. We specify no SQL functions explicitly and all the SQL is generated.

In typical recent applications around 85% of queries were "pure" ORM queries.

Customer rob =
  new QCustomer()

List<Customer> customers =
  new QCustomer()
val rob =

val customers =

ORM Query with SQL in Select

We can use SQL in the select clause. Some examples of this type of query are:

// using sql functions in the select clause

List<String> names =
  new QContact()
    .select("concat(lastName,', ',firstName)")

BigDecimal routeDistance =
  new QTrip()
    .select("ST_Distance(ST_StartPoint(route), ST_EndPoint(route))::BigDecimal")

// using sql functions in the select clause

var names: List<String> =
    .select("concat(lastName,' ',firstName)")

val routeDistance: BigDecimal =
    .select("ST_Distance(ST_StartPoint(route), ST_EndPoint(route))::BigDecimal")


ORM Query with SQL in Where

We can also use SQL in the where clause. Frequently this is for specifying sql sub-queries.

// sql functions used in predicates
List<Order> orders =
  new QOrder()
  .raw("add_days(orderDate, 10) < ?", someDate)

// SQL sub-query - often easiest to specify the subquery in sql form
String subQuery
    = "t0.customer_id in " +
      "(select customer_id from customer_group where group_id = any(?::uuid[]))";

List<Order> orders =
  new QOrder()
   .raw(subQuery, groupIds)   // use raw SQL in where clause

// sql functions used in predicates
var orders =
  .raw("add_days(orderDate, 10) < ?", someDate)

// SQL sub-query - often easiest to specify the subquery in sql form
val subQuery =
    "t0.customer_id in " +
    "(select customer_id from customer_group where group_id = any(?::uuid[]))"

var orders =
   .raw(subQuery, groupIds)   // use raw SQL in where clause


In typical recent applications around 5% of queries were ORM queries with some SQL (mostly subqueries).

ORM to DTO Query

We can define an ORM query and then use asDto to turn it into a DTO query. We are using the ORM to generate the SQL but then want that mapped directly into a DTO bean.

// ContactDto is a plain bean with email and fullName properties

List<ContactDto> contacts =
  new QContact()
    .select("email, concat(lastName, ', ', firstName) as fullName")

// ContactDto is a plain bean with email and fullName properties

val contacts =
  new QContact()
    .select("email, concat(lastName, ', ', firstName) as fullName")


SQL - aka find native

We can also specify the query in SQL and have that automatically mapped to entity beans (like this) or DTO beans.

String sql = "select id, name from customer where name like ?";

Customer customer = DB.findNative(Customer.class, sql)
    .setParameter(1, "Jo%")

String sql = "select id, name from customer where name like ?";

val customer = DB.findNative(Customer::class.java, sql)
    .setParameter(1, "Jo%")