AbstractNamingConvention |
Provides some base implementation for NamingConventions.
AutoTuneConfig |
Defines the AutoTune behaviour for a Database.
AutoTuneMode |
The mode for determining if AutoTune will be used for a given query when
Query.setAutoTune(boolean) has not been explicitly set on a query.
ClassLoadConfig |
Helper to find classes taking into account the context class loader.
ContainerConfig |
Configuration for the container that holds the Database instances.
CurrentTenantProvider |
Provides the Tenant Id for the current request based on the current user.
CurrentUserProvider |
Provides the current user in order to support 'Who created', 'Who modified' and other audit features.
CustomDbTypeMapping |
Custom mappings for DB types that override the default.
DatabaseConfig |
The configuration used for creating a Database.
DatabaseConfig.UuidVersion |
DbConstraintNaming |
Naming convention used for constraint names.
DbConstraintNaming.MaxLength |
Defines how constraint names are shortened if required based on platform limitations.
DocStoreConfig |
Configuration for the Document store integration (e.g.
EncryptDeploy |
Define the encryption options for a bean property.
EncryptDeploy.Mode |
The Encryption mode.
EncryptDeployManager |
Programmatically define which database columns are encrypted.
EncryptKey |
Represents the key used for encryption.
EncryptKeyManager |
Determine keys used for encryption and decryption.
Encryptor |
Used for Java side encryption of properties when DB encryption is not used.
ExternalTransactionManager |
Provides awareness of externally managed transactions.
IdGenerator |
A customer Id generator that can be registered with Ebean and
assigned to @Id properties using the name attribute of @GeneratedValue.
JsonConfig.Date |
Defined the format used for Date types.
JsonConfig.DateTime |
Defined the format used for DateTime types.
JsonConfig.Include |
NamingConvention |
Defines the naming convention for converting between logical property
names/entity names and physical DB column names/table names.
PlatformConfig |
Configuration for DB types such as UUID, Geometry etc.
PlatformConfig.DbUuid |
Specify how UUID is stored.
ProfilingConfig |
Configuration for transaction profiling.
PropertiesWrapper |
ServerConfig |
SlowQueryEvent |
Slow query event.
SlowQueryListener |
Listener for slow query events.
TableName |
TableName holds catalog, schema and table name.
TenantCatalogProvider |
For multi-tenancy via DB CATALOG supply the catalog given the tenantId.
TenantDataSourceProvider |
For multi-tenancy via DB supply the DataSource given the tenantId.
TenantMode |
The mode to use for multi-tenancy.
TenantSchemaProvider |
For multi-tenancy via DB SCHEMA supply the schema given the tenantId.