Query<T> |
Query.alias(String alias) |
Set root table alias.
Query<T> |
ExpressionList.apply(FetchPath fetchPath) |
Apply the path properties to the query replacing the select and fetch clauses.
Query<T> |
Query.apply(FetchPath fetchPath) |
Apply the path properties replacing the select and fetch clauses.
Query<T> |
OrderBy.asc(String propertyName) |
Add a property with ascending order to this OrderBy.
Query<T> |
OrderBy.asc(String propertyName,
String collation) |
Add a property with ascending order to this OrderBy.
Query<T> |
ExpressionList.asDraft() |
Execute the query against the draft set of tables.
Query<T> |
Query.asDraft() |
Execute the query against the draft set of tables.
Query<T> |
ExpressionList.asOf(Timestamp asOf) |
Perform an 'As of' query using history tables to return the object graph
as of a time in the past.
Query<T> |
Query.asOf(Timestamp asOf) |
Perform an 'As of' query using history tables to return the object graph
as of a time in the past.
Query<T> |
Query.copy() |
Return a copy of the query.
<T> Query<T> |
Database.createNamedQuery(Class<T> beanType,
String namedQuery) |
Create a named query.
static <T> Query<T> |
DB.createNamedQuery(Class<T> beanType,
String namedQuery) |
Create a named query.
static <T> Query<T> |
Ebean.createNamedQuery(Class<T> beanType,
String namedQuery) |
Create a named query.
<T> Query<T> |
Database.createQuery(Class<T> beanType) |
<T> Query<T> |
Database.createQuery(Class<T> beanType,
String ormQuery) |
Parse the Ebean query language statement returning the query which can then
be modified (add expressions, change order by clause, change maxRows, change
fetch and select paths etc).
static <T> Query<T> |
DB.createQuery(Class<T> beanType) |
Create a query for a type of entity bean.
static <T> Query<T> |
DB.createQuery(Class<T> beanType,
String eql) |
Parse the Ebean query language statement returning the query which can then
be modified (add expressions, change order by clause, change maxRows, change
fetch and select paths etc).
static <T> Query<T> |
Ebean.createQuery(Class<T> beanType) |
Create a query for a type of entity bean.
static <T> Query<T> |
Ebean.createQuery(Class<T> beanType,
String eql) |
Parse the Ebean query language statement returning the query which can then
be modified (add expressions, change order by clause, change maxRows, change
fetch and select paths etc).
Query<T> |
OrderBy.desc(String propertyName) |
Add a property with descending order to this OrderBy.
Query<T> |
OrderBy.desc(String propertyName,
String collation) |
Add a property with descending order to this OrderBy.
Query<T> |
Query.fetch(String path) |
Specify a path to fetch eagerly including all its properties.
Query<T> |
Query.fetch(String path,
FetchConfig fetchConfig) |
Additionally specify a JoinConfig to specify a "query join" and or define
the lazy loading query.
Query<T> |
Query.fetch(String path,
String fetchProperties) |
Specify a path to fetch eagerly including specific properties.
Query<T> |
Query.fetch(String path,
String fetchProperties,
FetchConfig fetchConfig) |
Additionally specify a FetchConfig to use a separate query or lazy loading
to load this path.
Query<T> |
Query.fetchCache(String path) |
Fetch the path eagerly using L2 cache.
Query<T> |
Query.fetchCache(String path,
String fetchProperties) |
Fetch the path and properties using L2 bean cache.
Query<T> |
Query.fetchLazy(String path) |
Fetch the path lazily (via batch lazy loading).
Query<T> |
Query.fetchLazy(String path,
String fetchProperties) |
Fetch the path and properties lazily (via batch lazy loading).
Query<T> |
Query.fetchQuery(String path) |
Fetch the path eagerly using a "query join" (separate SQL query).
Query<T> |
Query.fetchQuery(String path,
String fetchProperties) |
Fetch the path and properties using a "query join" (separate SQL query).
<T> Query<T> |
Database.find(Class<T> beanType) |
Create a query for a type of entity bean.
static <T> Query<T> |
DB.find(Class<T> beanType) |
Create a query for a type of entity bean.
static <T> Query<T> |
Ebean.find(Class<T> beanType) |
Create a query for a type of entity bean.
<T> Query<T> |
Database.findNative(Class<T> beanType,
String nativeSql) |
Create a query using native SQL.
static <T> Query<T> |
DB.findNative(Class<T> beanType,
String nativeSql) |
Create a query using native SQL.
static <T> Query<T> |
Ebean.findNative(Class<T> beanType,
String nativeSql) |
Create a query using native SQL.
Query<T> |
ExpressionList.forUpdate() |
Execute using "for update" clause which results in the DB locking the record.
Query<T> |
Query.forUpdate() |
Execute using "for update" clause which results in the DB locking the record.
Query<T> |
ExpressionList.forUpdateNoWait() |
Execute using "for update" clause with No Wait option.
Query<T> |
Query.forUpdateNoWait() |
Execute using "for update" clause with "no wait" option.
Query<T> |
ExpressionList.forUpdateSkipLocked() |
Execute using "for update" clause with Skip Locked option.
Query<T> |
Query.forUpdateSkipLocked() |
Execute using "for update" clause with "skip locked" option.
Query<T> |
FutureIds.getQuery() |
Returns the original query used to fetch the Id's.
Query<T> |
FutureList.getQuery() |
Return the query that is being executed by a background thread.
Query<T> |
OrderBy.getQuery() |
Return the associated query if there is one.
Query<T> |
Query.having(Expression addExpressionToHaving) |
Add an expression to the having clause returning the query.
Query<T> |
Finder.nativeSql(String nativeSql) |
Creates a native sql query.
Query<T> |
Query.order(String orderByClause) |
Set the order by clause replacing the existing order by clause if there is
Query<T> |
Query.orderBy(String orderByClause) |
Set the order by clause replacing the existing order by clause if there is
Query<T> |
ExpressionList.orderById(boolean orderById) |
Controls, if paginated queries should always append an 'order by id' statement at the end to
guarantee a deterministic sort result.
Query<T> |
Query.orderById(boolean orderById) |
Controls, if paginated queries should always append an 'order by id' statement at the end to
guarantee a deterministic sort result.
Query<T> |
ExpressionList.query() |
Return the query that owns this expression list.
Query<T> |
Finder.query() |
Creates a query.
Query<T> |
Finder.query(String ormQuery) |
Creates a query using the ORM query language.
Query<T> |
ExpressionList.select(FetchGroup<T> fetchGroup) |
Apply the fetchGroup which defines what part of the object graph to load.
Query<T> |
ExpressionList.select(String properties) |
Specify specific properties to fetch on the main/root bean (aka partial
Query<T> |
Query.select(FetchGroup<T> fetchGroup) |
Apply the fetchGroup which defines what part of the object graph to load.
Query<T> |
Query.select(String fetchProperties) |
Specify the properties to fetch on the root level entity bean in comma delimited format.
Query<T> |
Query.setAllowLoadErrors() |
Execute the query allowing properties with invalid JSON to be collected and not fail the query.
Query<T> |
Query.setAutoTune(boolean autoTune) |
Explicitly specify whether to use AutoTune for this query.
Query<T> |
Query.setBaseTable(String baseTable) |
Set the base table to use for this query.
Query<T> |
ExpressionList.setBeanCacheMode(CacheMode beanCacheMode) |
Set the mode to use the bean cache when executing this query.
Query<T> |
Query.setBeanCacheMode(CacheMode beanCacheMode) |
Set the mode to use the bean cache when executing this query.
Query<T> |
Query.setBufferFetchSizeHint(int fetchSize) |
A hint which for JDBC translates to the Statement.fetchSize().
Query<T> |
ExpressionList.setCountDistinct(CountDistinctOrder orderBy) |
Extended version for setDistinct in conjunction with "findSingleAttributeList";
Query<T> |
Query.setCountDistinct(CountDistinctOrder orderBy) |
Extended version for setDistinct in conjunction with "findSingleAttributeList";
Query<T> |
ExpressionList.setDisableLazyLoading(boolean disableLazyLoading) |
Set true if you want to disable lazy loading.
Query<T> |
Query.setDisableLazyLoading(boolean disableLazyLoading) |
Set true if you want to disable lazy loading.
Query<T> |
ExpressionList.setDisableReadAuditing() |
Disable read auditing for this query.
Query<T> |
Query.setDisableReadAuditing() |
Disable read auditing for this query.
Query<T> |
ExpressionList.setDistinct(boolean distinct) |
Set whether this query uses DISTINCT.
Query<T> |
Query.setDistinct(boolean isDistinct) |
Set whether this query uses DISTINCT.
Query<T> |
ExpressionList.setDocIndexName(String indexName) |
Set the index(es) to search for a document store which uses partitions.
Query<T> |
Query.setDocIndexName(String indexName) |
Set the index(es) to search for a document store which uses partitions.
Query<T> |
Query.setFirstRow(int firstRow) |
Set the first row to return for this query.
Query<T> |
Query.setId(Object id) |
Set the Id value to query.
Query<T> |
ExpressionList.setIncludeSoftDeletes() |
Execute the query including soft deleted rows.
Query<T> |
Query.setIncludeSoftDeletes() |
Execute the query including soft deleted rows.
Query<T> |
Query.setInheritType(Class<? extends T> type) |
Restrict the query to only return subtypes of the given inherit type.
Query<T> |
ExpressionList.setLabel(String label) |
Set a label on the query (to help identify query execution statistics).
Query<T> |
Query.setLabel(String label) |
Set a label on the query.
Query<T> |
Query.setLazyLoadBatchSize(int lazyLoadBatchSize) |
Set the default lazy loading batch size to use.
Query<T> |
Query.setLoadBeanCache(boolean loadBeanCache) |
Will be deprecated - migrate to use setBeanCacheMode(CacheMode.RECACHE).
Query<T> |
ExpressionList.setMapKey(String mapKey) |
Set the name of the property which values become the key of a map.
Query<T> |
Query.setMapKey(String mapKey) |
Set the property to use as keys for a map.
Query<T> |
Query.setMaxRows(int maxRows) |
Set the maximum number of rows to return in the query.
Query<T> |
Query.setOrder(OrderBy<T> orderBy) |
Set an OrderBy object to replace any existing OrderBy clause.
Query<T> |
ExpressionList.setOrderBy(String orderBy) |
Query<T> |
Query.setOrderBy(OrderBy<T> orderBy) |
Set an OrderBy object to replace any existing OrderBy clause.
Query<T> |
Query.setParameter(int position,
Object value) |
Set an ordered bind parameter according to its position.
Query<T> |
Query.setParameter(Object value) |
Bind the next positioned parameter.
Query<T> |
Query.setParameter(String name,
Object value) |
Set a named bind parameter.
Query<T> |
Query.setParameters(Object... values) |
Bind all the positioned parameters.
Query<T> |
Query.setPersistenceContextScope(PersistenceContextScope scope) |
Specify the PersistenceContextScope to use for this query.
Query<T> |
Query.setProfileLocation(ProfileLocation profileLocation) |
Set the profile location of this query.
Query<T> |
Query.setRawSql(RawSql rawSql) |
Set RawSql to use for this query.
Query<T> |
Query.setReadOnly(boolean readOnly) |
When set to true when you want the returned beans to be read only.
Query<T> |
Query.setTimeout(int secs) |
Set a timeout on this query.
Query<T> |
ExpressionList.setUseCache(boolean useCache) |
Set to true when this query should use the bean cache.
default Query<T> |
Query.setUseCache(boolean useCache) |
Set this to false to not use the bean cache.
Query<T> |
ExpressionList.setUseDocStore(boolean useDocsStore) |
Set to true if this query should execute against the doc store.
Query<T> |
Query.setUseDocStore(boolean useDocStore) |
Set to true if this query should execute against the doc store.
default Query<T> |
ExpressionList.setUseQueryCache(boolean enabled) |
Query<T> |
ExpressionList.setUseQueryCache(CacheMode useCache) |
Set the CacheMode to use the query cache for executing this query.
default Query<T> |
Query.setUseQueryCache(boolean enabled) |
Query<T> |
Query.setUseQueryCache(CacheMode queryCacheMode) |
Set the CacheMode to use the query for executing this query.
Query<T> |
ExpressionList.usingConnection(Connection connection) |
Execute the query using the given connection.
Query<T> |
Query.usingConnection(Connection connection) |
Execute the query using the given connection.
Query<T> |
Query.usingDatabase(Database database) |
Execute the query using the given database.
Query<T> |
ExpressionList.usingTransaction(Transaction transaction) |
Execute the query using the given transaction.
Query<T> |
Query.usingTransaction(Transaction transaction) |
Execute the query using the given transaction.
Query<T> |
Query.where(Expression expression) |
Add a single Expression to the where clause returning the query.
Query<T> |
ExpressionList.withLock(Query.LockType lockType) |
Execute the query with the given lock type and WAIT.
Query<T> |
ExpressionList.withLock(Query.LockType lockType,
Query.LockWait lockWait) |
Execute the query with the given lock type and lock wait.
Query<T> |
Query.withLock(Query.LockType lockType) |
Execute the query with the given lock type and WAIT.
Query<T> |
Query.withLock(Query.LockType lockType,
Query.LockWait lockWait) |
Execute the query with the given lock type and lock wait.