The issues discussed in this comparison with JPA also apply to Hibernate.
Honoring maxRows in SQL
Ebean ORM will always honor firstRows / maxRows in generated SQL. Once you include a join fetch to a @OneToMany, Hibernate stops implementing maxRows in SQL and instead brings all the rows back to the client (application server) and filters the results there.
This means the database does not get the opportunity to optimise that query using maxRows (via limit offset clause or similar) so the DB query execution plan can be very different by reducing the ability to use indexes and increasing the chance of a full table scan.
Significantly more data is pulled back from the DB to the client in this way.
SQL cartesian product
Ebean ORM will never generate a SQL cartesian product. Hibernate generates a SQL cartesian product when you join fetch multiple @OneToMany or @ManyToMany associations.
Hibernate does not allow lazy loading beyond the end of its' Session scope throwing LazyInitialisationException
Ebean allows lazy loading beyond the initial scope
- The transaction isolation level of read committed is used as per the JPA spec. There is no effective difference when we lazy load with using another JDBC transaction relative to holding open a transaction (as typically required by Hibernate via "Open session in view").
- Ebean's entity beans have a reference back to their load context which enables subsequent lazy loading with the same PersistenceContext. (also enables batch lazy loading) This means the lazy loading still produces a consistent object graph (just as if it was loaded eagerly).
To prevent lazy loading with Ebean, set
. This is useful when you want to use a partially populated bean and give it to a reflection based tool that converts it to JSON or DTO's etc.
With Ebean, lazy loading "just works" without any drama
Open session in view
As a byproduct of Ebean supporting lazy loading (beyond transaction scope) Ebean does not require
the "Open session in view"
pattern sometimes seen with Hibernate.
"Open session in view" has the effect of holding a transaction open for a longer time relative to Ebean. This is considered an anti-pattern by many, with the focus now being on ensuring the service layer has loaded everything needed on the entities (and this is code we don't need to write with Ebean).
SQL2011 @History vs Hibernate Envers
Ebean's @History is a database-centric approach mapping to SQL2011. Hibernate Envers is an application centric approach which means that unlike @History bulk updates and external updates don't get included in auditing with Envers.
Ebean (select/fetch) vs Hibernate JPA fetchgraph hint (EntityGraph)
Hibernate does not honor the JPA fetchgraph hint at the property/column level which means we can't use that to optimise our SQL queries.
PagedList / findCount
JPA nor Hibernate have built in support for PagedList with findCount - That is, having a single query to execute and having that query automatically converted into an appropriate and optimised "find total row count" query.
findEach vs scroll
JPA does not have a standard approach for large query support but Hibernate has a scroll
Ebean's findEach() work using a per object graph scope for the persistence context and also automatically adjust the JDBC fetchSize for cursor/scrolling use such that the JDBC driver (Especially MySql and Postgres) don't pull all the results to the client and for MySql runs the findEach() query in a separate transaction (such that we can perform query joins and iterate complex object graphs).
When using Hibernate scroll
query you need to make sure you:
- Either regularly
the beans from the Session or use a StatelessSession. - Set the fetchSize on the query
- If you are using MySql you need to create the Statement with FORWARD_ONLY and READ_ONLY options, use Integer.MIN as the buffer fetchSize and NOT use the same java.sql.Connection if you want to perform other queries while the query scrolls
Set vs List
Hibernate has different semantics for Set
and List
(bag semantics).
For Hibernate this tends to promote the use of Set as the preferred collection type.
Ebean does not apply different semantics between Set
and List
The issue with using Set
is that it implies the use of hashCode()/equals()
and the
implementation of hashCode()/equals() is not perfect for the case of entity beans that mutate and don't
always have an @Id value (e.g. When the @Id value is not populated via generated value and hence not
populated until after the save and hence the @Id value can't be used in hashCode/equals implementation).
For Ebean I'd like to promote the use of List
in preference to Set
in order to
avoid any confusion relating to hashCode()/equals() implementation on mutating entity beans.
Naming conventions
Ebean's default UnderscoreNamingConvention
matches Hibernate's ImprovedNamingStrategy
not the JPA standard based one (which has mixed case column naming AND underscores). Note that
Spring boot automatically configures Hibernate to use the ImprovedNamingStrategy.
javax.validation.constraints NotNull & Size
Both Ebean and Hibernate use the @NotNull
and @Size
validation annotations for mapping.
JPA defaults all @ManyToOne to be treated as fetch EAGER. We almost certainly don't want that when using Hibernate (as those Eager fetch types can then not be made lazy via JPQL or via fetchgraph hints so typically with Hibernate we would expect most @ManyToOne to be explicitly lazy via ... @ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY).
With Ebean we use our query language to define "What to fetch" and don't need to specify FetchType.LAZY on @ManyToOne.
UUID type
Ebean automatically maps UUID to their native types for Postgres and H2 - so UUID just works as we would like.
Hibernate supports mapping UUID to the native type for Postgres via org.hibernate.annotations.Type - @Type(type="pg-uuid"). The downside here is that this does not work with UUID on H2 (mapping to binary instead) and this means that SQL test scripts don't execute against H2 using literal UUID values (so some pain here when testing against H2 here).
Entities without an @Id
Ebean allows entities to be mapped without an @Id. These entities are typically based on SQL or DB Views and used for reporting purposes. Ebean allows this and these entity beans bypass the persistence context because they don't have an @Id value.
With Hibernate we would look to use a different approach, perhaps a DTO query.
@View - Entities based on views
Ebean has explicit support for entities based on views via @View. This takes into account DDL for creating the view from a DB migration and testing perspective as well as L2 caching based on underlying table dependencies.
DDL Foreign Key and Unique constraints
Hibernate currently generates foreign key names like FK_edi14sijwrl3p2sf41ls3svkm
unique constraint names like UK_ajysu81d17lesquo7uqosrtah
Ebean has a naming convention for foreign key names and unique constraint names that includes the table and column names. When the names are very restricted (DB2 and Oracle) Ebean uses a "vowel remover" and trim in order to still produce decent foreign key and unique constraint names. The DBA in me thinks those Hibernate constraint names are "absolute pants!".