Module io.ebean.api

Class PlatformConfig


public class PlatformConfig extends Object
Configuration for DB types such as UUID, Geometry etc.
  • Constructor Details

    • PlatformConfig

      public PlatformConfig()
      Construct with defaults.
    • PlatformConfig

      public PlatformConfig(PlatformConfig platformConfig)
      Construct based on given config - typically for DbMigration generation with many platforms.
  • Method Details

    • getConstraintNaming

      public DbConstraintNaming getConstraintNaming()
    • setConstraintNaming

      public void setConstraintNaming(DbConstraintNaming constraintNaming)
      Set a custom database constraint naming convention.
    • isAllQuotedIdentifiers

      public boolean isAllQuotedIdentifiers()
      Return true if all DB column and table names should use quoted identifiers.
    • setAllQuotedIdentifiers

      public void setAllQuotedIdentifiers(boolean allQuotedIdentifiers)
      Set to true if all DB column and table names should use quoted identifiers.

      For Postgres pgjdbc version 42.3.0 should be used with datasource property quoteReturningIdentifiers set to false (refer #2303).

    • isCaseSensitiveCollation

      public boolean isCaseSensitiveCollation()
      Return true if the collation is case sensitive.
    • setCaseSensitiveCollation

      public void setCaseSensitiveCollation(boolean caseSensitiveCollation)
      Set to false to indicate that the collation is case insensitive.
    • isUseMigrationStoredProcedures

      public boolean isUseMigrationStoredProcedures()
      Return true if force use of helper stored procedures for migrations.
    • setUseMigrationStoredProcedures

      public void setUseMigrationStoredProcedures(boolean useMigrationStoredProcedures)
      Set true to force use of helper stored procedures for migrations.
    • isForUpdateNoKey

      public boolean isForUpdateNoKey()
      Return true if Postgres FOR UPDATE should use the NO KEY option.
    • setForUpdateNoKey

      public void setForUpdateNoKey(boolean forUpdateNoKey)
      Set to true such that Postgres FOR UPDATE should use the NO KEY option.
    • getDatabaseBooleanTrue

      public String getDatabaseBooleanTrue()
      Return a value used to represent TRUE in the database.

      This is used for databases that do not support boolean natively.

      The value returned is either a Integer or a String (e.g. "1", or "T").

    • setDatabaseBooleanTrue

      public void setDatabaseBooleanTrue(String databaseBooleanTrue)
      Set the value to represent TRUE in the database.

      This is used for databases that do not support boolean natively.

      The value set is either a Integer or a String (e.g. "1", or "T").

    • getDatabaseBooleanFalse

      public String getDatabaseBooleanFalse()
      Return a value used to represent FALSE in the database.
    • setDatabaseBooleanFalse

      public void setDatabaseBooleanFalse(String databaseBooleanFalse)
      Set the value used to represent FALSE in the database.
    • getDatabaseSequenceBatchSize

      public int getDatabaseSequenceBatchSize()
      Return the number of DB sequence values that should be preallocated.
    • setDatabaseSequenceBatchSize

      public void setDatabaseSequenceBatchSize(int databaseSequenceBatchSize)
      Set the number of DB sequence values that should be preallocated.
    • getGeometrySRID

      public int getGeometrySRID()
      Return the Geometry SRID.
    • setGeometrySRID

      public void setGeometrySRID(int geometrySRID)
      Set the Geometry SRID.
    • getDbUuid

      public PlatformConfig.DbUuid getDbUuid()
      Return the DB type used to store UUID.
    • setDbUuid

      public void setDbUuid(PlatformConfig.DbUuid dbUuid)
      Set the DB type used to store UUID.
    • getIdType

      public IdType getIdType()
      Return the IdType to use (or null for the default choice).
    • setIdType

      public void setIdType(IdType idType)
      Set the IdType to use (when the DB supports both SEQUENCE and IDENTITY and the default is not desired).
    • isDatabaseInetAddressVarchar

      public boolean isDatabaseInetAddressVarchar()
      Return true if InetAddress should map to varchar column (rather than Postgres INET).
    • setDatabaseInetAddressVarchar

      public void setDatabaseInetAddressVarchar(boolean databaseInetAddressVarchar)
      Set to true to force InetAddress to map to varchar column.
    • addCustomMapping

      public void addCustomMapping(DbType type, String columnDefinition, io.ebean.annotation.Platform platform)
      Add a custom type mapping.
         // set the default mapping for BigDecimal.class/decimal
         config.addCustomMapping(DbType.DECIMAL, "decimal(18,6)");
         // set the default mapping for String.class/varchar but only for Postgres
         config.addCustomMapping(DbType.VARCHAR, "text", Platform.POSTGRES);
      type - The DB type this mapping should apply to
      columnDefinition - The column definition that should be used
      platform - Optionally specify the platform this mapping should apply to.
    • addCustomMapping

      public void addCustomMapping(DbType type, String columnDefinition)
      Add a custom type mapping that applies to all platforms.
         // set the default mapping for BigDecimal/decimal
         config.addCustomMapping(DbType.DECIMAL, "decimal(18,6)");
         // set the default mapping for String/varchar
         config.addCustomMapping(DbType.VARCHAR, "text");
      type - The DB type this mapping should apply to
      columnDefinition - The column definition that should be used
    • getCustomTypeMappings

      public List<CustomDbTypeMapping> getCustomTypeMappings()
      Return the list of custom type mappings.
    • loadSettings

      public void loadSettings(PropertiesWrapper p)