static Expression |
Expr.allEq(Map<String,Object> propertyMap) |
All Equal - Map containing property names and their values.
Expression |
ExpressionFactory.allEq(Map<String,Object> propertyMap) |
All Equal - Map containing property names and their values.
static Expression |
Expr.and(Expression expOne,
Expression expTwo) |
And - join two expressions with a logical and.
Expression |
ExpressionFactory.and(Expression expOne,
Expression expTwo) |
And - join two expressions with a logical and.
Expression |
ExpressionFactory.arrayContains(String propertyName,
Object... values) |
Array contains all the given values.
Expression |
ExpressionFactory.arrayIsEmpty(String propertyName) |
Array is empty - for the given array property.
Expression |
ExpressionFactory.arrayIsNotEmpty(String propertyName) |
Array is not empty - for the given array property.
Expression |
ExpressionFactory.arrayNotContains(String propertyName,
Object... values) |
Array does not contain the given values.
static Expression |
Expr.between(String propertyName,
Object value1,
Object value2) |
Between - property between the two given values.
static Expression |
Expr.between(String lowProperty,
String highProperty,
Object value) |
Between - value between two given properties.
Expression |
ExpressionFactory.between(String propertyName,
Object value1,
Object value2) |
Between - property between the two given values.
Expression |
ExpressionFactory.betweenProperties(String lowProperty,
String highProperty,
Object value) |
Between - value between two given properties.
Expression |
ExpressionFactory.bitwiseAll(String propertyName,
long flags) |
Add expression for ALL of the given bit flags to be set.
Expression |
ExpressionFactory.bitwiseAnd(String propertyName,
long flags,
long match) |
Add bitwise AND expression of the given bit flags to compare with the match/mask.
Expression |
ExpressionFactory.bitwiseAny(String propertyName,
long flags) |
Add expression for ANY of the given bit flags to be set.
static Expression |
Expr.contains(String propertyName,
String value) |
Contains - property like %value%.
Expression |
ExpressionFactory.contains(String propertyName,
String value) |
Contains - property like %value%.
static Expression |
Expr.endsWith(String propertyName,
String value) |
Ends With - property like %value.
Expression |
ExpressionFactory.endsWith(String propertyName,
String value) |
Ends With - property like %value.
static Expression |
Expr.eq(String propertyName,
Object value) |
Equal To - property equal to the given value.
Expression |
ExpressionFactory.eq(String propertyName,
Object value) |
Equal To - property equal to the given value.
Expression |
ExpressionFactory.eqOrNull(String propertyName,
Object value) |
Equal To or Null - property equal to the given value or null.
Expression |
ExpressionFactory.exists(Query<?> subQuery) |
Exists expression
static Expression | propertyName,
Object value) |
Greater Than or Equal to - property greater than or equal to the given
Expression | propertyName,
Object value) |
Greater Than or Equal to - property greater than or equal to the given
Expression |
ExpressionFactory.geOrNull(String propertyName,
Object value) |
Greater than or Equal to OR Null (>= or null )
static Expression | propertyName,
Object value) |
Greater Than - property greater than the given value.
Expression | propertyName,
Object value) |
Greater Than - property greater than the given value.
Expression |
ExpressionFactory.gtOrNull(String propertyName,
Object value) |
Greater Than Or Null - property greater than the given value or null.
static Expression |
Expr.icontains(String propertyName,
String value) |
Case insensitive Contains - property like %value%.
Expression |
ExpressionFactory.icontains(String propertyName,
String value) |
Case insensitive Contains - property like %value%.
static Expression |
Expr.idEq(Object value) |
Id Equal to - ID property is equal to the value.
Expression |
ExpressionFactory.idEq(Object value) |
Id Equal to - ID property is equal to the value.
Expression |
ExpressionFactory.idIn(Object... idValues) |
Id IN a list of Id values.
Expression |
ExpressionFactory.idIn(Collection<?> idCollection) |
Id IN a collection of Id values.
static Expression |
Expr.iendsWith(String propertyName,
String value) |
Case insensitive Ends With - property like %value.
Expression |
ExpressionFactory.iendsWith(String propertyName,
String value) |
Case insensitive Ends With - property like %value.
static Expression |
Expr.ieq(String propertyName,
String value) |
Case Insensitive Equal To - property equal to the given value (typically
using a lower() function to make it case insensitive).
Expression |
ExpressionFactory.ieq(String propertyName,
String value) |
Case Insensitive Equal To - property equal to the given value (typically
using a lower() function to make it case insensitive).
Expression |
ExpressionFactory.ieqObject(String propertyName,
Object value) |
Case Insensitive Equal To that allows for named parameter use.
static Expression |
Expr.ilike(String propertyName,
String value) |
Case insensitive Like - property like value where the value contains the
SQL wild card characters % (percentage) and _ (underscore).
Expression |
ExpressionFactory.ilike(String propertyName,
String value) |
Case insensitive Like - property like value where the value contains the
SQL wild card characters % (percentage) and _ (underscore).
static Expression | propertyName,
Query<?> subQuery) |
In - using a subQuery.
static Expression | propertyName,
Object[] values) |
In - property has a value in the array of values.
static Expression | propertyName,
Collection<?> values) |
In - property has a value in the collection of values.
Expression | propertyName,
Query<?> subQuery) |
In - using a subQuery.
Expression | propertyName,
Object[] values) |
In - property has a value in the array of values.
Expression | propertyName,
Collection<?> values) |
In - property has a value in the collection of values.
Expression |
ExpressionFactory.ine(String propertyName,
String value) |
Case Insensitive Not Equal To - property not equal to the given value (typically
using a lower() function to make it case insensitive).
Expression |
ExpressionFactory.ineObject(String propertyName,
Object value) |
Case Insensitive Not Equal To that allows for named parameter use.
static Expression |
Expr.inOrEmpty(String propertyName,
Collection<?> values) |
In where null or empty values means that no predicate is added to the query.
Expression |
ExpressionFactory.inOrEmpty(String propertyName,
Collection<?> values) |
In where null or empty values means that no predicate is added to the query.
Expression |
ExpressionFactory.inPairs(Pairs pairs) |
In expression using pairs of value objects.
static Expression |
Expr.inRange(String propertyName,
Object value1,
Object value2) |
In Range - property >= value1 and property < value2 .
Expression |
ExpressionFactory.inRange(String propertyName,
Object value1,
Object value2) |
In Range - property >= value1 and property < value2 .
Expression |
ExpressionFactory.inRangeWith(String lowProperty,
String highProperty,
Object value) |
Value in Range between 2 properties.
static Expression |
Expr.isEmpty(String propertyName) |
For collection properties that are empty (have not existing elements).
Expression |
ExpressionFactory.isEmpty(String propertyName) |
Is empty expression for collection properties.
static Expression |
Expr.isNotEmpty(String propertyName) |
For collection properties that are not empty (have existing elements).
Expression |
ExpressionFactory.isNotEmpty(String propertyName) |
Is not empty expression for collection properties.
static Expression |
Expr.isNotNull(String propertyName) |
Is Not Null - property is not null.
Expression |
ExpressionFactory.isNotNull(String propertyName) |
Is Not Null - property is not null.
static Expression |
Expr.isNull(String propertyName) |
Is Null - property is null.
Expression |
ExpressionFactory.isNull(String propertyName) |
Is Null - property is null.
static Expression |
Expr.istartsWith(String propertyName,
String value) |
Case insensitive Starts With - property like value%.
Expression |
ExpressionFactory.istartsWith(String propertyName,
String value) |
Case insensitive Starts With - property like value%.
Expression |
ExpressionFactory.jsonBetween(String propertyName,
String path,
Object lowerValue,
Object upperValue) |
Between - for the given path in a JSON document.
Expression |
ExpressionFactory.jsonEqualTo(String propertyName,
String path,
Object val) |
Equal to - for the given path in a JSON document.
Expression |
ExpressionFactory.jsonExists(String propertyName,
String path) |
Path exists - for the given path in a JSON document.
Expression |
ExpressionFactory.jsonGreaterOrEqual(String propertyName,
String path,
Object val) |
Greater than or equal to - for the given path in a JSON document.
Expression |
ExpressionFactory.jsonGreaterThan(String propertyName,
String path,
Object val) |
Greater than - for the given path in a JSON document.
Expression |
ExpressionFactory.jsonLessOrEqualTo(String propertyName,
String path,
Object val) |
Less than or equal to - for the given path in a JSON document.
Expression |
ExpressionFactory.jsonLessThan(String propertyName,
String path,
Object val) |
Less than - for the given path in a JSON document.
Expression |
ExpressionFactory.jsonNotEqualTo(String propertyName,
String path,
Object val) |
Not Equal to - for the given path in a JSON document.
Expression |
ExpressionFactory.jsonNotExists(String propertyName,
String path) |
Path does not exist - for the given path in a JSON document.
static Expression |
Expr.le(String propertyName,
Object value) |
Less Than or Equal to - property less than or equal to the given value.
Expression |
ExpressionFactory.le(String propertyName,
Object value) |
Less Than or Equal to - property less than or equal to the given value.
Expression |
ExpressionFactory.leOrNull(String propertyName,
Object value) |
Less Than or Equal to OR Null (<= or null )
static Expression | propertyName,
String value) |
Like - property like value where the value contains the SQL wild card
characters % (percentage) and _ (underscore).
Expression | propertyName,
Object value,
boolean caseInsensitive,
LikeType likeType) |
Like with support for named parameters.
Expression | propertyName,
String value) |
Like - property like value where the value contains the SQL wild card
characters % (percentage) and _ (underscore).
static Expression | propertyName,
Object value) |
Less Than - property less than the given value.
Expression | propertyName,
Object value) |
Less Than - property less than the given value.
Expression |
ExpressionFactory.ltOrNull(String propertyName,
Object value) |
Less Than or Null - property less than the given value or null.
static Expression | propertyName,
Object value) |
Not Equal To - property not equal to the given value.
Expression | propertyName,
Object value) |
Not Equal To - property not equal to the given value.
static Expression |
Expr.not(Expression exp) |
Negate the expression (prefix it with NOT).
Expression |
ExpressionFactory.not(Expression exp) |
Negate the expression (prefix it with NOT).
Expression |
ExpressionFactory.notExists(Query<?> subQuery) |
Not exists expression
Expression |
ExpressionFactory.notIn(String propertyName,
Query<?> subQuery) |
Not In - using a subQuery.
Expression |
ExpressionFactory.notIn(String propertyName,
Object[] values) |
Not In - property has a value in the array of values.
Expression |
ExpressionFactory.notIn(String propertyName,
Collection<?> values) |
Not In - property has a value in the collection of values.
static Expression |
Expr.or(Expression expOne,
Expression expTwo) |
Or - join two expressions with a logical or.
Expression |
ExpressionFactory.or(Expression expOne,
Expression expTwo) |
Or - join two expressions with a logical or.
static Expression |
Expr.raw(String raw) |
Add raw expression with no parameters.
static Expression |
Expr.raw(String raw,
Object value) |
Add raw expression with a single parameter.
static Expression |
Expr.raw(String raw,
Object[] values) |
Add raw expression with an array of parameters.
Expression |
ExpressionFactory.raw(String raw) |
Add raw expression with no parameters.
Expression |
ExpressionFactory.raw(String raw,
Object value) |
Add raw expression with a single parameter.
Expression |
ExpressionFactory.raw(String raw,
Object[] values) |
Add raw expression with an array of parameters.
static Expression |
Expr.startsWith(String propertyName,
String value) |
Starts With - property like value%.
Expression |
ExpressionFactory.startsWith(String propertyName,
String value) |
Starts With - property like value%.
Expression |
ExpressionFactory.textCommonTerms(String search,
TextCommonTerms options) |
Create a text common terms expression (currently doc store/Elastic only).
Expression |
ExpressionFactory.textMatch(String propertyName,
String search,
Match options) |
Create a Text Match expression (currently doc store/Elastic only).
Expression |
ExpressionFactory.textMultiMatch(String query,
MultiMatch options) |
Create a Text Multi match expression (currently doc store/Elastic only).
Expression |
ExpressionFactory.textQueryString(String search,
TextQueryString options) |
Create a text query string expression (currently doc store/Elastic only).
Expression |
ExpressionFactory.textSimple(String search,
TextSimple options) |
Create a text simple query expression (currently doc store/Elastic only).