Create a orm update where you will supply the insert/update or delete
statement (rather than using a named one that is already defined using the
@NamedUpdates annotation).
Create a orm update where you will supply the insert/update or delete
statement (rather than using a named one that is already defined using the
@NamedUpdates annotation).
Set an ordered bind parameter.
Set a label meaning performance metrics will be collected for the execution of this update.
Set this to false if you do not want the cache to invalidate related
Update.setNull(int position,
int jdbcType)
Set an ordered parameter that is null.
Set a named parameter that is null.
Set an ordered parameter that is null (same as bind).
Bind a named parameter that is null (same as bind).
Set and ordered bind parameter (same as bind).
Bind a named parameter (same as bind).
Set a timeout for statement execution.
Execute a ORM insert update or delete statement using the current
Execute a ORM insert update or delete statement with an explicit