001package io.ebean.config.dbplatform;
004 * History support for the database platform.
005 */
006public interface DbHistorySupport {
008  /**
009   * Return true if the implementation is SQL2011 standards based.
010   * <p>
011   * Non standards based means we need to add additional predicates into the
012   * JOIN ON clause and add an additional predicate for the base table.
013   * </p>
014   */
015  boolean isStandardsBased();
017  /**
018   * Return the number of columns bound in a 'As Of' predicate.
019   * <p>
020   * This is 1 for more standard sql2011 style and Postgres which has the
021   * special range type and 2 for view based solutions with 2 columns such as
022   * MySql.
023   * </p>
024   */
025  int getBindCount();
027  /**
028   * For sql2011 style this ignores the passed in view suffix and returns something
029   * like the ' as of timestamp ?' clause to be appended after the base table name.
030   *
031   * @param asOfViewSuffix the configured view suffix (typically "_with_history").
032   * @return The suffix appended after the base table name in the from and join clauses.
033   */
034  String getAsOfViewSuffix(String asOfViewSuffix);
036  /**
037   * Return the 'versions between timestamp' suffix.
038   */
039  String getVersionsBetweenSuffix(String asOfViewSuffix);
041  /**
042   * Return the 'as of' predicate added for the given table alias.
043   *
044   * @param tableAlias The table alias this predicate is added for
045   * @param sysPeriod  The name of the 'sys_period' column used for effective date time range.
046   * @return The predicate containing a single ? bind parameter which will be bound to the 'as at' timestamp value
047   */
048  String getAsOfPredicate(String tableAlias, String sysPeriod);
050  /**
051   * Return the column for the system period lower bound that will be included in findVersions() queries.
052   *
053   * @param tableAlias the table alias which will typically be 't0'
054   * @param sysPeriod  the name of the sys_period column
055   */
056  String getSysPeriodLower(String tableAlias, String sysPeriod);
058  /**
059   * Return the column for the system period upper bound that will be included in findVersions() queries.
060   *
061   * @param tableAlias the table alias which will typically be 't0'
062   * @param sysPeriod  the name of the sys_period column
063   */
064  String getSysPeriodUpper(String tableAlias, String sysPeriod);