001package io.ebean;
003import io.ebean.config.ContainerConfig;
004import io.ebean.config.ServerConfig;
007 * Deprecated - please migrate to DatabaseFactory.
008 * <p>
009 * Creates EbeanServer instances.
010 * <p>
011 * This uses either a ServerConfig or properties in the ebean.properties file to
012 * configure and create a EbeanServer instance.
013 * </p>
014 * <p>
015 * The EbeanServer instance can either be registered with the Ebean singleton or
016 * not. The Ebean singleton effectively holds a map of EbeanServers by a name.
017 * If the EbeanServer is registered with the Ebean singleton you can retrieve it
018 * later via {@link Ebean#getServer(String)}.
019 * </p>
020 * <p>
021 * One EbeanServer can be nominated as the 'default/primary' EbeanServer. Many
022 * methods on the Ebean singleton such as {@link Ebean#find(Class)} are just a
023 * convenient way of using the 'default/primary' EbeanServer.
024 * </p>
025 */
027public class EbeanServerFactory {
029  /**
030   * Initialise the container with clustering configuration.
031   * <p>
032   * Call this prior to creating any EbeanServer instances or alternatively set the
033   * ContainerConfig on the ServerConfig when creating the first EbeanServer instance.
034   */
035  public static void initialiseContainer(ContainerConfig containerConfig) {
036    DatabaseFactory.initialiseContainer(containerConfig);
037  }
039  /**
040   * Create using ebean.properties to configure the database.
041   */
042  public static EbeanServer create(String name) {
043    return (EbeanServer)DatabaseFactory.create(name);
044  }
046  /**
047   * Create using the ServerConfig object to configure the database.
048   */
049  public static EbeanServer create(ServerConfig config) {
050    return (EbeanServer)DatabaseFactory.create(config);
051  }
053  /**
054   * Create using the ServerConfig additionally specifying a classLoader to use as the context class loader.
055   */
056  public static EbeanServer createWithContextClassLoader(ServerConfig config, ClassLoader classLoader) {
057    return (EbeanServer)DatabaseFactory.createWithContextClassLoader(config, classLoader);
058  }
060  /**
061   * Shutdown gracefully all EbeanServers cleaning up any resources as required.
062   * <p>
063   * This is typically invoked via JVM shutdown hook and not explicitly called.
064   * </p>
065   */
066  public static void shutdown() {
067    DatabaseFactory.shutdown();
068  }