001package io.ebean;
003import io.ebean.docstore.DocQueryContext;
004import io.ebean.docstore.RawDoc;
006import javax.annotation.Nullable;
007import java.io.IOException;
008import java.util.List;
009import java.util.Map;
010import java.util.function.Consumer;
011import java.util.function.Predicate;
014 * Document storage operations.
015 */
016public interface DocumentStore {
018  /**
019   * Update the associated document store using the result of the query.
020   * <p>
021   * This will execute the query against the database creating a document for each
022   * bean graph and sending this to the document store.
023   * </p>
024   * <p>
025   * Note that the select and fetch paths of the query is set for you to match the
026   * document structure needed based on <code>@DocStore</code> and <code>@DocStoreEmbedded</code>
027   * so what this query requires is the predicates only.
028   * </p>
029   * <p>
030   * This query will be executed using findEach so it is safe to use a query
031   * that will fetch a lot of beans. The default bulkBatchSize is used.
032   * </p>
033   *
034   * @param query The query that selects object to send to the document store.
035   */
036  <T> void indexByQuery(Query<T> query);
038  /**
039   * Update the associated document store index using the result of the query additionally specifying a
040   * bulkBatchSize to use for sending the messages to ElasticSearch.
041   *
042   * @param query         The query that selects object to send to the document store.
043   * @param bulkBatchSize The batch size to use when bulk sending to the document store.
044   */
045  <T> void indexByQuery(Query<T> query, int bulkBatchSize);
047  /**
048   * Update the document store for all beans of this type.
049   * <p>
050   * This is the same as indexByQuery where the query has no predicates and so fetches all rows.
051   * </p>
052   */
053  void indexAll(Class<?> beanType);
055  /**
056   * Return the bean by fetching it's content from the document store.
057   * If the document is not found null is returned.
058   * <p>
059   * Typically this is called indirectly by findOne() on the query.
060   * </p>
061   * <pre>{@code
062   *
063   * Customer customer =
064   *   database.find(Customer.class)
065   *     .setUseDocStore(true)
066   *     .setId(42)
067   *     .findOne();
068   *
069   * }</pre>
070   */
071  @Nullable
072  <T> T find(DocQueryContext<T> request);
074  /**
075   * Execute the find list query. This request is prepared to execute secondary queries.
076   * <p>
077   * Typically this is called indirectly by findList() on the query that has setUseDocStore(true).
078   * </p>
079   * <pre>{@code
080   *
081   * List<Customer> newCustomers =
082   *  database.find(Customer.class)
083   *    .setUseDocStore(true)
084   *    .where().eq("status, Customer.Status.NEW)
085   *    .findList();
086   *
087   * }</pre>
088   */
089  <T> List<T> findList(DocQueryContext<T> request);
091  /**
092   * Execute the query against the document store returning the paged list.
093   * <p>
094   * The query should have <code>firstRow</code> or <code>maxRows</code> set prior to calling this method.
095   * </p>
096   * <p>
097   * Typically this is called indirectly by findPagedList() on the query that has setUseDocStore(true).
098   * </p>
099   * <pre>{@code
100   *
101   * PagedList<Customer> newCustomers =
102   *  database.find(Customer.class)
103   *    .setUseDocStore(true)
104   *    .where().eq("status, Customer.Status.NEW)
105   *    .setMaxRows(50)
106   *    .findPagedList();
107   *
108   * }</pre>
109   */
110  <T> PagedList<T> findPagedList(DocQueryContext<T> request);
112  /**
113   * Execute the query against the document store with the expectation of a large set of results
114   * that are processed in a scrolling resultSet fashion.
115   * <p>
116   * For example, with the ElasticSearch doc store this uses SCROLL.
117   * </p>
118   * <p>
119   * Typically this is called indirectly by findEach() on the query that has setUseDocStore(true).
120   * </p>
121   * <pre>{@code
122   *
123   *  database.find(Order.class)
124   *    .setUseDocStore(true)
125   *    .where()... // perhaps add predicates
126   *    .findEach((Order order) -> {
127   *      // process the bean ...
128   *    });
129   *
130   * }</pre>
131   */
132  <T> void findEach(DocQueryContext<T> query, Consumer<T> consumer);
134  /**
135   * Execute the query against the document store with the expectation of a large set of results
136   * that are processed in a scrolling resultSet fashion.
137   * <p>
138   * Unlike findEach() this provides the opportunity to stop iterating through the large query.
139   * </p>
140   * <p>
141   * For example, with the ElasticSearch doc store this uses SCROLL.
142   * </p>
143   * <p>
144   * Typically this is called indirectly by findEachWhile() on the query that has setUseDocStore(true).
145   * </p>
146   * <pre>{@code
147   *
148   *  database.find(Order.class)
149   *    .setUseDocStore(true)
150   *    .where()... // perhaps add predicates
151   *    .findEachWhile(new Predicate<Order>() {
152   *      @Override
153   *      public void accept(Order bean) {
154   *        // process the bean
155   *
156   *        // return true to continue, false to stop
157   *        // boolean shouldContinue = ...
158   *        return shouldContinue;
159   *      }
160   *    });
161   *
162   * }</pre>
163   */
164  <T> void findEachWhile(DocQueryContext<T> query, Predicate<T> consumer);
166  /**
167   * Find each processing raw documents.
168   *
169   * @param indexNameType The full index name and type
170   * @param rawQuery      The query to execute
171   * @param consumer      Consumer to process each document
172   */
173  void findEach(String indexNameType, String rawQuery, Consumer<RawDoc> consumer);
175  /**
176   * Find each processing raw documents stopping when the predicate returns false.
177   *
178   * @param indexNameType The full index name and type
179   * @param rawQuery      The query to execute
180   * @param consumer      Consumer to process each document until false is returned
181   */
182  void findEachWhile(String indexNameType, String rawQuery, Predicate<RawDoc> consumer);
184  /**
185   * Process the queue entries sending updates to the document store or queuing them for later processing.
186   */
187  long process(List<DocStoreQueueEntry> queueEntries) throws IOException;
189  /**
190   * Drop the index from the document store (similar to DDL drop table).
191   * <pre>{@code
192   *
193   *   DocumentStore documentStore = database.docStore();
194   *
195   *   documentStore.dropIndex("product_copy");
196   *
197   * }</pre>
198   */
199  void dropIndex(String indexName);
201  /**
202   * Create an index given a mapping file as a resource in the classPath (similar to DDL create table).
203   * <pre>{@code
204   *
205   *   DocumentStore documentStore = database.docStore();
206   *
207   *   // uses product_copy.mapping.json resource
208   *   // ... to define mappings for the index
209   *
210   *   documentStore.createIndex("product_copy", null);
211   *
212   * }</pre>
213   *
214   * @param indexName the name of the new index
215   * @param alias     the alias of the index
216   */
217  void createIndex(String indexName, String alias);
219  /**
220   * Modify the settings on an index.
221   * <p>
222   * For example, this can be used be used to set elasticSearch refresh_interval
223   * on an index before a bulk update.
224   * </p>
225   * <pre>{@code
226   *
227   *   // refresh_interval -1 ... disable refresh while bulk loading
228   *
229   *   Map<String,Object> settings = new LinkedHashMap<>();
230   *   settings.put("refresh_interval", "-1");
231   *
232   *   documentStore.indexSettings("product", settings);
233   *
234   * }</pre>
235   * <pre>{@code
236   *
237   *   // refresh_interval 1s ... restore after bulk loading
238   *
239   *   Map<String,Object> settings = new LinkedHashMap<>();
240   *   settings.put("refresh_interval", "1s");
241   *
242   *   documentStore.indexSettings("product", settings);
243   *
244   * }</pre>
245   *
246   * @param indexName the name of the index to update settings on
247   * @param settings  the settings to set on the index
248   */
249  void indexSettings(String indexName, Map<String, Object> settings);
251  /**
252   * Copy the index to a new index.
253   * <p>
254   * This copy process does not use the database but instead will copy from the source index to a destination index.
255   * </p>
256   * <pre>{@code
257   *
258   *  long copyCount = documentStore.copyIndex(Product.class, "product_copy");
259   *
260   * }</pre>
261   *
262   * @param beanType The bean type of the source index
263   * @param newIndex The name of the index to copy to
264   * @return the number of documents copied to the new index
265   */
266  long copyIndex(Class<?> beanType, String newIndex);
268  /**
269   * Copy entries from an index to a new index but limiting to documents that have been
270   * modified since the sinceEpochMillis time.
271   * <p>
272   * To support this the document needs to have a <code>@WhenModified</code> property.
273   * </p>
274   * <pre>{@code
275   *
276   *  long copyCount = documentStore.copyIndex(Product.class, "product_copy", sinceMillis);
277   *
278   * }</pre>
279   *
280   * @param beanType The bean type of the source index
281   * @param newIndex The name of the index to copy to
282   * @return the number of documents copied to the new index
283   */
284  long copyIndex(Class<?> beanType, String newIndex, long sinceEpochMillis);
286  /**
287   * Copy from a source index to a new index taking only the documents
288   * matching the given query.
289   * <pre>{@code
290   *
291   *  // predicates to select the source documents to copy
292   *  Query<Product> query = database.find(Product.class)
293   *    .where()
294   *      .ge("whenModified", new Timestamp(since))
295   *      .ge("name", "A")
296   *      .lt("name", "D")
297   *      .query();
298   *
299   *  // copy from the source index to "product_copy" index
300   *  long copyCount = documentStore.copyIndex(query, "product_copy", 1000);
301   *
302   * }</pre>
303   *
304   * @param query         The query to select the source documents to copy
305   * @param newIndex      The target index to copy the documents to
306   * @param bulkBatchSize The ElasticSearch bulk batch size, if 0 uses the default.
307   * @return The number of documents copied to the new index.
308   */
309  long copyIndex(Query<?> query, String newIndex, int bulkBatchSize);