Package io.ebean.meta

Class QueryPlanRequest

    • Method Detail

      • getSince

        public long getSince()
        Return the epoch time in millis for minimum bind capture time.

        When set this ensures that the bind values used to get the query plan have been around for a while (e.g. 5 mins) and so reasonably represent bind values that match the slowest execution for this query plan.

      • setSince

        public void setSince​(long since)
        Set the epoch time (e.g. 5 mins ago) such that the query bind values reasonably represent bind values that match the slowest execution for this query plan.
        since - The minimum age of the bind values capture.
      • getMaxCount

        public int getMaxCount()
        Return the maximum number of plans to capture.
      • setMaxCount

        public void setMaxCount​(int maxCount)
        Set the maximum number of plans to capture.
      • getMaxTimeMillis

        public long getMaxTimeMillis()
        Return the maximum amount of time we want to use to capture plans.

        Query plan collection will stop once this time is exceeded.

      • setMaxTimeMillis

        public void setMaxTimeMillis​(long maxTimeMillis)
        Set the maximum amount of time we want to use to capture plans.

        Query plan collection will stop once this time is exceeded.