Interface NamingConvention

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    AbstractNamingConvention, MatchingNamingConvention, UnderscoreNamingConvention

    public interface NamingConvention
    Defines the naming convention for converting between logical property names/entity names and physical DB column names/table names.

    The main goal of the naming convention is to reduce the amount of configuration required in the mapping (especially when mapping between column and property names).

    Note that if you do not define a NamingConvention the default one will be used and you can configure it's behaviour via properties.

    • Method Detail

      • setDatabasePlatform

        void setDatabasePlatform​(DatabasePlatform databasePlatform)
        Set the associated DatabasePlaform.

        This is set after the DatabasePlatform has been associated.

        The purpose of this is to enable NamingConvention to be able to support database platform specific configuration.

        databasePlatform - the database platform
      • getTableName

        TableName getTableName​(Class<?> beanClass)
        Returns the table name for a given Class.

        This method is always called and should take into account @Table annotations etc. This means you can choose to override the settings defined by @Table if you wish.

        beanClass - the bean class
        the table name for the entity class
      • getM2MJoinTableName

        TableName getM2MJoinTableName​(TableName lhsTable,
                                      TableName rhsTable)
        Returns the ManyToMany join table name (aka the intersection table).
        lhsTable - the left hand side bean table
        rhsTable - the right hand side bean table
        the many to many join table name
      • getColumnFromProperty

        String getColumnFromProperty​(Class<?> beanClass,
                                     String propertyName)
        Return the column name given the property name.
        the column name for a given property
      • getSequenceName

        String getSequenceName​(String tableName,
                               String pkColumn)
        Return the sequence name given the table name (for DB's that use sequences).

        Typically you might append "_seq" to the table name as an example.

        tableName - the table name
        the sequence name
      • isUseForeignKeyPrefix

        boolean isUseForeignKeyPrefix()
        Return true if a prefix should be used building a foreign key name.

        This by default is true and this works well when the primary key column names are simply "id". In this case a prefix (such as "order" and "customer" etc) is added to the foreign key column producing "order_id" and "customer_id".

        This should return false when your primary key columns are the same as the foreign key columns. For example, when the primary key columns are "order_id", "cust_id" etc ... and they are the same as the foreign key column names.

      • getForeignKey

        String getForeignKey​(String prefix,
                             String fkProperty)
        Return the foreign key column given the local and foreign properties.
        prefix - the local column used to prefix the fk column
        fkProperty - the property name of the foreign key
        the foreign key column