001package io.ebean;
003import io.ebean.annotation.TxIsolation;
004import io.ebean.cache.ServerCacheManager;
005import io.ebean.config.DatabaseConfig;
006import io.ebean.plugin.Property;
007import io.ebean.text.csv.CsvReader;
008import io.ebean.text.json.JsonContext;
010import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
011import javax.annotation.Nullable;
012import javax.persistence.OptimisticLockException;
013import javax.persistence.PersistenceException;
014import java.util.Collection;
015import java.util.List;
016import java.util.Map;
017import java.util.Set;
018import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
021 * DB is a registry of {@link Database} by name.
022 * <p>
023 * DB additionally provides a convenient way to use the 'default' Database.
024 * <p>
025 * <h3>Default database</h3>
026 * <p>
027 * One of the Database instances can be registered as the "default database"
028 * and can be obtained using <code>DB.getDefault()</code>
029 * </p>
030 * <pre>{@code
031 *
032 * Database database = DB.getDefault();
033 *
034 * }</pre>
035 *
036 * <h3>Named database</h3>
037 * <p>
038 * Multiple database instances can be registered with DB and we can obtain them
039 * using <code>DB.byName()</code>
040 * </p>
041 * <pre>{@code
042 *
043 * Database hrDatabase = DB.byName("hr");
044 *
045 * }</pre>
046 *
047 * <h3>Convenience methods</h3>
048 * <p>
049 * DB has methods like {@link #find(Class)} and {@link #save(Object)} which are
050 * just convenience for using the default database.
051 * </p>
052 *
053 * <pre>{@code
054 *
055 * // fetch using the default database
056 * Order order = DB.find(Order.class, 10);
057 *
058 * // is the same as
059 * Database database = DB.getDefault();
060 * Order order = database.find(Order.class, 10);
061 *
062 * }</pre>
063 */
064public class DB {
066  /**
067   * Hide constructor.
068   */
069  private DB() {
070  }
072  /**
073   * Return the default database.
074   */
075  public static Database getDefault() {
076    return Ebean.getDefaultServer();
077  }
079  /**
080   * Return the database for the given name.
081   *
082   * @param name The name of the database
083   */
084  public static Database byName(String name) {
085    return Ebean.getServer(name);
086  }
088//  /**
089//   * Register the server with this Ebean singleton. Specify if the registered
090//   * server is the primary/default server.
091//   */
092//  public static void register(EbeanServer server, boolean defaultServer) {
093//    serverMgr.register(server, defaultServer);
094//  }
096//  /**
097//   * Backdoor for registering a mock implementation of EbeanServer as the default server.
098//   */
099//  protected static EbeanServer mock(String name, EbeanServer server, boolean defaultServer) {
100//    EbeanServer originalPrimaryServer = serverMgr.defaultServer;
101//    serverMgr.registerWithName(name, server, defaultServer);
102//    return originalPrimaryServer;
103//  }
105  /**
106   * Return the ExpressionFactory from the default database.
107   * <p>
108   * The ExpressionFactory is used internally by the query and ExpressionList to
109   * build the WHERE and HAVING clauses. Alternatively you can use the
110   * ExpressionFactory directly to create expressions to add to the query where
111   * clause.
112   * </p>
113   * <p>
114   * Alternatively you can use the {@link Expr} as a shortcut to the
115   * ExpressionFactory of the 'Default' database.
116   * </p>
117   * <p>
118   * You generally need to the an ExpressionFactory (or {@link Expr}) to build
119   * an expression that uses OR like Expression e = Expr.or(..., ...);
120   * </p>
121   */
122  public static ExpressionFactory getExpressionFactory() {
123    return getDefault().getExpressionFactory();
124  }
126  /**
127   * Return the next identity value for a given bean type.
128   * <p>
129   * This will only work when a IdGenerator is on this bean type such as a DB
130   * sequence or UUID.
131   * </p>
132   * <p>
133   * For DB's supporting getGeneratedKeys and sequences such as Oracle10 you do
134   * not need to use this method generally. It is made available for more
135   * complex cases where it is useful to get an ID prior to some processing.
136   * </p>
137   */
138  public static Object nextId(Class<?> beanType) {
139    return getDefault().nextId(beanType);
140  }
142  /**
143   * Start a transaction with 'REQUIRED' semantics.
144   * <p>
145   * With REQUIRED semantics if an active transaction already exists that transaction will be used.
146   * </p>
147   * <p>
148   * The transaction is stored in a ThreadLocal variable and typically you only
149   * need to use the returned Transaction <em>IF</em> you wish to do things like
150   * use batch mode, change the transaction isolation level, use savepoints or
151   * log comments to the transaction log.
152   * </p>
153   * <p>
154   * Example of using a transaction to span multiple calls to find(), save()
155   * etc.
156   * </p>
157   * <pre>{@code
158   *
159   *   try (Transaction transaction = DB.beginTransaction()) {
160   *
161   *     Order order = DB.find(Order.class, 42);
162   *     order.setStatus(Status.COMPLETE);
163   *     order.save();
164   *
165   *     transaction.commit();
166   *   }
167   *
168   * }</pre>
169   * <p>
170   * If you want to externalise the transaction management then you should be
171   * able to do this via Database. Specifically with Database you can pass
172   * the transaction to the various find() and save() execute() methods. This
173   * gives you the ability to create the transactions yourself externally from
174   * Ebean and pass those transactions through to the various methods available
175   * on Database.
176   * </p>
177   */
178  public static Transaction beginTransaction() {
179    return getDefault().beginTransaction();
180  }
182  /**
183   * Start a transaction additionally specifying the isolation level.
184   *
185   * @param isolation the Transaction isolation level
186   */
187  public static Transaction beginTransaction(TxIsolation isolation) {
188    return getDefault().beginTransaction(isolation);
189  }
191  /**
192   * Start a transaction typically specifying REQUIRES_NEW or REQUIRED semantics.
193   * <p>
194   * Note that this provides an try finally alternative to using {@link #executeCall(TxScope, Callable)} or
195   * {@link #execute(TxScope, Runnable)}.
196   * </p>
197   * <p>
198   * <h3>REQUIRES_NEW example:</h3>
199   * <pre>{@code
200   * // Start a new transaction. If there is a current transaction
201   * // suspend it until this transaction ends
202   *
203   * try (Transaction txn = DB.beginTransaction(TxScope.requiresNew())) {
204   *   ...
205   *
206   *   // commit the transaction
207   *   txn.commit();
208   * }
209   * }</pre>
210   *
211   * <h3>REQUIRED example:</h3>
212   * <pre>{@code
213   * // start a new transaction if there is not a current transaction
214   *
215   * try (Transaction txn = DB.beginTransaction(TxScope.required())) {
216   *   ...
217   *
218   *   // commit the transaction if it was created or
219   *   // do nothing if there was already a current transaction
220   *   txn.commit();
221   * }
222   * }</pre>
223   */
224  public static Transaction beginTransaction(TxScope scope) {
225    return getDefault().beginTransaction(scope);
226  }
228  /**
229   * Returns the current transaction or null if there is no current transaction in scope.
230   */
231  public static Transaction currentTransaction() {
232    return getDefault().currentTransaction();
233  }
235  /**
236   * The batch will be flushing automatically but you can use this to explicitly
237   * flush the batch if you like.
238   * <p>
239   * Flushing occurs automatically when:
240   * </p>
241   * <ul>
242   * <li>the batch size is reached</li>
243   * <li>A query is executed on the same transaction</li>
244   * <li>UpdateSql or CallableSql are mixed with bean save and delete</li>
245   * <li>Transaction commit occurs</li>
246   * <li>A getter method is called on a batched bean</li>
247   * </ul>
248   */
249  public static void flush() {
250    currentTransaction().flush();
251  }
253  /**
254   * Register a TransactionCallback on the currently active transaction.
255   * <p/>
256   * If there is no currently active transaction then a PersistenceException is thrown.
257   *
258   * @param transactionCallback the transaction callback to be registered with the current transaction
259   * @throws PersistenceException if there is no currently active transaction
260   */
261  public static void register(TransactionCallback transactionCallback) throws PersistenceException {
262    getDefault().register(transactionCallback);
263  }
265  /**
266   * Commit the current transaction.
267   */
268  public static void commitTransaction() {
269    getDefault().commitTransaction();
270  }
272  /**
273   * Rollback the current transaction.
274   */
275  public static void rollbackTransaction() {
276    getDefault().rollbackTransaction();
277  }
279  /**
280   * If the current transaction has already been committed do nothing otherwise
281   * rollback the transaction.
282   * <p>
283   * It is preferable to use <em>try with resources</em> rather than this.
284   * </p>
285   * <p>
286   * Useful to put in a finally block to ensure the transaction is ended, rather
287   * than a rollbackTransaction() in each catch block.
288   * </p>
289   * <p>
290   * Code example:
291   * </p>
292   * <pre>{@code
293   *   DB.beginTransaction();
294   *   try {
295   *     // do some fetching and or persisting
296   *
297   *     // commit at the end
298   *     DB.commitTransaction();
299   *
300   *   } finally {
301   *     // if commit didn't occur then rollback the transaction
302   *     DB.endTransaction();
303   *   }
304   * }</pre>
305   */
306  public static void endTransaction() {
307    getDefault().endTransaction();
308  }
310  /**
311   * Mark the current transaction as rollback only.
312   */
313  public static void setRollbackOnly() {
314    getDefault().currentTransaction().setRollbackOnly();
315  }
317  /**
318   * Return a map of the differences between two objects of the same type.
319   * <p>
320   * When null is passed in for b, then the 'OldValues' of a is used for the
321   * difference comparison.
322   * </p>
323   */
324  public static Map<String, ValuePair> diff(Object a, Object b) {
325    return getDefault().diff(a, b);
326  }
328  /**
329   * Either Insert or Update the bean depending on its state.
330   * <p>
331   * If there is no current transaction one will be created and committed for
332   * you automatically.
333   * </p>
334   * <p>
335   * Save can cascade along relationships. For this to happen you need to
336   * specify a cascade of CascadeType.ALL or CascadeType.PERSIST on the
337   * OneToMany, OneToOne or ManyToMany annotation.
338   * </p>
339   * <p>
340   * When a save cascades via a OneToMany or ManyToMany Ebean will automatically
341   * set the 'parent' object to the 'detail' object. In the example below in
342   * saving the order and cascade saving the order details the 'parent' order
343   * will be set against each order detail when it is saved.
344   * </p>
345   */
346  public static void save(Object bean) throws OptimisticLockException {
347    getDefault().save(bean);
348  }
350  /**
351   * Insert the bean. This is useful when you set the Id property on a bean and
352   * want to explicitly insert it.
353   */
354  public static void insert(Object bean) {
355    getDefault().insert(bean);
356  }
358  /**
359   * Insert a collection of beans.
360   */
361  public static void insertAll(Collection<?> beans) {
362    getDefault().insertAll(beans);
363  }
365  /**
366   * Marks the entity bean as dirty.
367   * <p>
368   * This is used so that when a bean that is otherwise unmodified is updated with the version
369   * property updated.
370   * <p>
371   * An unmodified bean that is saved or updated is normally skipped and this marks the bean as
372   * dirty so that it is not skipped.
373   * <pre>{@code
374   *
375   *   Customer customer = DB.find(Customer, id);
376   *
377   *   // mark the bean as dirty so that a save() or update() will
378   *   // increment the version property
379   *   DB.markAsDirty(customer);
380   *   DB.save(customer);
381   *
382   * }</pre>
383   */
384  public static void markAsDirty(Object bean) throws OptimisticLockException {
385    getDefault().markAsDirty(bean);
386  }
388  /**
389   * Saves the bean using an update. If you know you are updating a bean then it is preferrable to
390   * use this update() method rather than save().
391   * <p>
392   * <b>Stateless updates:</b> Note that the bean does not have to be previously fetched to call
393   * update().You can create a new instance and set some of its properties programmatically for via
394   * JSON/XML marshalling etc. This is described as a 'stateless update'.
395   * </p>
396   * <p>
397   * <b>Optimistic Locking: </b> Note that if the version property is not set when update() is
398   * called then no optimistic locking is performed (internally ConcurrencyMode.NONE is used).
399   * </p>
400   * <p>
401   * <b>{@link DatabaseConfig#setUpdatesDeleteMissingChildren(boolean)}: </b> When cascade saving to a
402   * OneToMany or ManyToMany the updatesDeleteMissingChildren setting controls if any other children
403   * that are in the database but are not in the collection are deleted.
404   * </p>
405   * <p>
406   * <b>{@link DatabaseConfig#setUpdateChangesOnly(boolean)}: </b> The updateChangesOnly setting
407   * controls if only the changed properties are included in the update or if all the loaded
408   * properties are included instead.
409   * </p>
410   * <pre>{@code
411   *
412   *   // A 'stateless update' example
413   *   Customer customer = new Customer();
414   *   customer.setId(7);
415   *   customer.setName("ModifiedNameNoOCC");
416   *   database.update(customer);
417   *
418   * }</pre>
419   *
420   * @see DatabaseConfig#setUpdatesDeleteMissingChildren(boolean)
421   * @see DatabaseConfig#setUpdateChangesOnly(boolean)
422   */
423  public static void update(Object bean) throws OptimisticLockException {
424    getDefault().update(bean);
425  }
427  /**
428   * Update the beans in the collection.
429   */
430  public static void updateAll(Collection<?> beans) throws OptimisticLockException {
431    getDefault().updateAll(beans);
432  }
434  /**
435   * Merge the bean using the default merge options.
436   *
437   * @param bean The bean to merge
438   */
439  public static void merge(Object bean) {
440    getDefault().merge(bean);
441  }
443  /**
444   * Merge the bean using the given merge options.
445   *
446   * @param bean    The bean to merge
447   * @param options The options to control the merge
448   */
449  public static void merge(Object bean, MergeOptions options) {
450    getDefault().merge(bean, options);
451  }
453  /**
454   * Save all the beans from a Collection.
455   */
456  public static int saveAll(Collection<?> beans) throws OptimisticLockException {
457    return getDefault().saveAll(beans);
458  }
460  /**
461   * This method checks the uniqueness of a bean. I.e. if the save will work. It will return the
462   * properties that violates an unique / primary key. This may be done in an UI save action to
463   * validate if the user has entered correct values.
464   * <p>
465   * Note: This method queries the DB for uniqueness of all indices, so do not use it in a batch update.
466   * <p>
467   * Note: This checks only the root bean!
468   * <p>
469   * <pre>{@code
470   *
471   *   // there is a unique constraint on title
472   *
473   *   Document doc = new Document();
474   *   doc.setTitle("One flew over the cuckoo's nest");
475   *   doc.setBody("clashes with doc1");
476   *
477   *   Set<Property> properties = DB.checkUniqueness(doc);
478   *
479   *   if (properties.isEmpty()) {
480   *     // it is unique ... carry on
481   *
482   *   } else {
483   *     // build a user friendly message
484   *     // to return message back to user
485   *
486   *     String uniqueProperties = properties.toString();
487   *
488   *     StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder();
489   *
490   *     properties.forEach((it)-> {
491   *       Object propertyValue = it.getVal(doc);
492   *       String propertyName = it.getName();
493   *       msg.append(" property["+propertyName+"] value["+propertyValue+"]");
494   *     });
495   *
496   *     // uniqueProperties > [title]
497   *     //       custom msg > property[title] value[One flew over the cuckoo's nest]
498   *
499   *  }
500   *
501   * }</pre>
502   *
503   * @param bean The entity bean to check uniqueness on
504   * @return a set of Properties if constraint validation was detected or empty list.
505   */
506  @Nonnull
507  public static Set<Property> checkUniqueness(Object bean) {
508    return getDefault().checkUniqueness(bean);
509  }
511  /**
512   * Same as {@link #checkUniqueness(Object)}. but with given transaction.
513   */
514  @Nonnull
515  public static Set<Property> checkUniqueness(Object bean, Transaction transaction) {
516    return getDefault().checkUniqueness(bean, transaction);
517  }
519  /**
520   * Delete the bean.
521   * <p>
522   * This will return true if the bean was deleted successfully or JDBC batch is being used.
523   * </p>
524   * <p>
525   * If there is no current transaction one will be created and committed for
526   * you automatically.
527   * </p>
528   * <p>
529   * If the bean is configured with <code>@SoftDelete</code> then this will perform a soft
530   * delete rather than a hard/permanent delete.
531   * </p>
532   * <p>
533   * If the Bean does not have a version property (or loaded version property) and
534   * the bean does not exist then this returns false indicating that nothing was
535   * deleted. Note that, if JDBC batch mode is used then this always returns true.
536   * </p>
537   */
538  public static boolean delete(Object bean) throws OptimisticLockException {
539    return getDefault().delete(bean);
540  }
542  /**
543   * Delete the bean in permanent fashion (will not use soft delete).
544   */
545  public static boolean deletePermanent(Object bean) throws OptimisticLockException {
546    return getDefault().deletePermanent(bean);
547  }
549  /**
550   * Delete the bean given its type and id.
551   */
552  public static int delete(Class<?> beanType, Object id) {
553    return getDefault().delete(beanType, id);
554  }
556  /**
557   * Delete permanent the bean given its type and id.
558   */
559  public static int deletePermanent(Class<?> beanType, Object id) {
560    return getDefault().deletePermanent(beanType, id);
561  }
563  /**
564   * Delete several beans given their type and id values.
565   */
566  public static int deleteAll(Class<?> beanType, Collection<?> ids) {
567    return getDefault().deleteAll(beanType, ids);
568  }
570  /**
571   * Delete permanent several beans given their type and id values.
572   */
573  public static int deleteAllPermanent(Class<?> beanType, Collection<?> ids) {
574    return getDefault().deleteAllPermanent(beanType, ids);
575  }
577  /**
578   * Delete all the beans in the Collection.
579   */
580  public static int deleteAll(Collection<?> beans) throws OptimisticLockException {
581    return getDefault().deleteAll(beans);
582  }
584  /**
585   * Delete permanent all the beans in the Collection (will not use soft delete).
586   */
587  public static int deleteAllPermanent(Collection<?> beans) throws OptimisticLockException {
588    return getDefault().deleteAllPermanent(beans);
589  }
591  /**
592   * Refresh the values of a bean.
593   * <p>
594   * Note that this resets OneToMany and ManyToMany properties so that if they
595   * are accessed a lazy load will refresh the many property.
596   * </p>
597   */
598  public static void refresh(Object bean) {
599    getDefault().refresh(bean);
600  }
602  /**
603   * Refresh a 'many' property of a bean.
604   * <pre>{@code
605   *
606   *   Order order = ...;
607   *   ...
608   *   // refresh the order details...
609   *   DB.refreshMany(order, "details");
610   *
611   * }</pre>
612   *
613   * @param bean             the entity bean containing the List Set or Map to refresh.
614   * @param manyPropertyName the property name of the List Set or Map to refresh.
615   */
616  public static void refreshMany(Object bean, String manyPropertyName) {
617    getDefault().refreshMany(bean, manyPropertyName);
618  }
620  /**
621   * Get a reference object.
622   * <p>
623   * This is sometimes described as a proxy (with lazy loading).
624   * </p>
625   * <pre>{@code
626   *
627   *   Product product = DB.getReference(Product.class, 1);
628   *
629   *   // You can get the id without causing a fetch/lazy load
630   *   Integer productId = product.getId();
631   *
632   *   // If you try to get any other property a fetch/lazy loading will occur
633   *   // This will cause a query to execute...
634   *   String name = product.getName();
635   *
636   * }</pre>
637   *
638   * @param beanType the type of entity bean
639   * @param id       the id value
640   */
641  public static <T> T getReference(Class<T> beanType, Object id) {
642    return getDefault().getReference(beanType, id);
643  }
645  /**
646   * Sort the list using the sortByClause which can contain a comma delimited
647   * list of property names and keywords asc, desc, nullsHigh and nullsLow.
648   * <ul>
649   * <li>asc - ascending order (which is the default)</li>
650   * <li>desc - Descending order</li>
651   * <li>nullsHigh - Treat null values as high/large values (which is the
652   * default)</li>
653   * <li>nullsLow- Treat null values as low/very small values</li>
654   * </ul>
655   * <p>
656   * If you leave off any keywords the defaults are ascending order and treating
657   * nulls as high values.
658   * </p>
659   * <p>
660   * Note that the sorting uses a Comparator and Collections.sort(); and does
661   * not invoke a DB query.
662   * </p>
663   * <pre>{@code
664   *
665   *   // find orders and their customers
666   *   List<Order> list = DB.find(Order.class)
667   *     .fetch("customer")
668   *     .orderBy("id")
669   *     .findList();
670   *
671   *   // sort by customer name ascending, then by order shipDate
672   *   // ... then by the order status descending
673   *   DB.sort(list, "customer.name, shipDate, status desc");
674   *
675   *   // sort by customer name descending (with nulls low)
676   *   // ... then by the order id
677   *   DB.sort(list, "customer.name desc nullsLow, id");
678   *
679   * }</pre>
680   *
681   * @param list         the list of entity beans
682   * @param sortByClause the properties to sort the list by
683   */
684  public static <T> void sort(List<T> list, String sortByClause) {
685    getDefault().sort(list, sortByClause);
686  }
688  /**
689   * Find a bean using its unique id. This will not use caching.
690   * <pre>{@code
691   *
692   *   // Fetch order 1
693   *   Order order = DB.find(Order.class, 1);
694   *
695   * }</pre>
696   * <p>
697   * If you want more control over the query then you can use createQuery() and
698   * Query.findOne();
699   * </p>
700   * <pre>{@code
701   *
702   *   // ... additionally fetching customer, customer shipping address,
703   *   // order details, and the product associated with each order detail.
704   *   // note: only product id and name is fetch (its a "partial object").
705   *   // note: all other objects use "*" and have all their properties fetched.
706   *
707   *   Query<Order> query = DB.find(Order.class)
708   *     .setId(1)
709   *     .fetch("customer")
710   *     .fetch("customer.shippingAddress")
711   *     .fetch("details")
712   *     .query();
713   *
714   *   // fetch associated products but only fetch their product id and name
715   *   query.fetch("details.product", "name");
716   *
717   *   // traverse the object graph...
718   *
719   *   Order order = query.findOne();
720   *
721   *   Customer customer = order.getCustomer();
722   *   Address shippingAddress = customer.getShippingAddress();
723   *   List<OrderDetail> details = order.getDetails();
724   *   OrderDetail detail0 = details.get(0);
725   *   Product product = detail0.getProduct();
726   *   String productName = product.getName();
727   *
728   * }</pre>
729   *
730   * @param beanType the type of entity bean to fetch
731   * @param id       the id value
732   */
733  @Nullable
734  public static <T> T find(Class<T> beanType, Object id) {
735    return getDefault().find(beanType, id);
736  }
738  /**
739   * Look to execute a native sql query that does not returns beans but instead
740   * returns SqlRow or direct access to ResultSet (see {@link SqlQuery#findList(RowMapper)}.
741   *
742   * <p>
743   * Refer to {@link DtoQuery} for native sql queries returning DTO beans.
744   * </p>
745   * <p>
746   * Refer to {@link #findNative(Class, String)} for native sql queries returning entity beans.
747   * </p>
748   */
749  public static SqlQuery sqlQuery(String sql) {
750    return getDefault().sqlQuery(sql);
751  }
753  /**
754   * This is an alias for {@link #sqlQuery(String)}.
755   */
756  public static SqlQuery createSqlQuery(String sql) {
757    return sqlQuery(sql);
758  }
760  /**
761   * Look to execute a native sql insert update or delete statement.
762   * <p>
763   * Use this to execute a Insert Update or Delete statement. The statement will
764   * be native to the database and contain database table and column names.
765   * </p>
766   *
767   * <p>
768   * See {@link SqlUpdate} for example usage.
769   * </p>
770   *
771   * @return The SqlUpdate instance to set parameters and execute
772   */
773  public static SqlUpdate sqlUpdate(String sql) {
774    return getDefault().sqlUpdate(sql);
775  }
777  /**
778   * This is an alias for {@link #sqlUpdate(String)}.
779   */
780  public static SqlUpdate createSqlUpdate(String sql) {
781    return sqlUpdate(sql);
782  }
784  /**
785   * Create a CallableSql to execute a given stored procedure.
786   *
787   * @see CallableSql
788   */
789  public static CallableSql createCallableSql(String sql) {
790    return getDefault().createCallableSql(sql);
791  }
793  /**
794   * Create a orm update where you will supply the insert/update or delete
795   * statement (rather than using a named one that is already defined using the
796   * &#064;NamedUpdates annotation).
797   * <p>
798   * The orm update differs from the sql update in that it you can use the bean
799   * name and bean property names rather than table and column names.
800   * </p>
801   * <p>
802   * An example:
803   * </p>
804   * <pre>{@code
805   *
806   *   // The bean name and properties - "topic","postCount" and "id"
807   *
808   *   // will be converted into their associated table and column names
809   *   String updStatement = "update topic set postCount = :pc where id = :id";
810   *
811   *   Update<Topic> update = DB.createUpdate(Topic.class, updStatement);
812   *
813   *   update.set("pc", 9);
814   *   update.set("id", 3);
815   *
816   *   int rows = update.execute();
817   *   System.out.println("rows updated:" + rows);
818   *
819   * }</pre>
820   */
821  public static <T> Update<T> createUpdate(Class<T> beanType, String ormUpdate) {
823    return getDefault().createUpdate(beanType, ormUpdate);
824  }
826  /**
827   * Create a CsvReader for a given beanType.
828   */
829  public static <T> CsvReader<T> createCsvReader(Class<T> beanType) {
831    return getDefault().createCsvReader(beanType);
832  }
834  /**
835   * Create a named query.
836   * <p>
837   * For RawSql the named query is expected to be in ebean.xml.
838   * </p>
839   *
840   * @param beanType   The type of entity bean
841   * @param namedQuery The name of the query
842   * @param <T>        The type of entity bean
843   * @return The query
844   */
845  public static <T> Query<T> createNamedQuery(Class<T> beanType, String namedQuery) {
846    return getDefault().createNamedQuery(beanType, namedQuery);
847  }
849  /**
850   * Create a query for a type of entity bean.
851   * <p>
852   * You can use the methods on the Query object to specify fetch paths,
853   * predicates, order by, limits etc.
854   * </p>
855   * <p>
856   * You then use findList(), findSet(), findMap() and findOne() to execute
857   * the query and return the collection or bean.
858   * </p>
859   * <p>
860   * Note that a query executed by {@link Query#findList()} etc will execute against
861   * the same database from which is was created.
862   * </p>
863   *
864   * @param beanType the class of entity to be fetched
865   * @return A ORM Query for this beanType
866   */
867  public static <T> Query<T> createQuery(Class<T> beanType) {
869    return getDefault().createQuery(beanType);
870  }
872  /**
873   * Parse the Ebean query language statement returning the query which can then
874   * be modified (add expressions, change order by clause, change maxRows, change
875   * fetch and select paths etc).
876   * <p>
877   * <h3>Example</h3>
878   * <pre>{@code
879   *
880   *   // Find order additionally fetching the customer, details and details.product name.
881   *
882   *   String eql = "fetch customer fetch details fetch details.product (name) where id = :orderId ";
883   *
884   *   Query<Order> query = DB.createQuery(Order.class, eql);
885   *   query.setParameter("orderId", 2);
886   *
887   *   Order order = query.findOne();
888   *
889   *   // This is the same as:
890   *
891   *   Order order = DB.find(Order.class)
892   *     .fetch("customer")
893   *     .fetch("details")
894   *     .fetch("detail.product", "name")
895   *     .setId(2)
896   *     .findOne();
897   *
898   * }</pre>
899   *
900   * @param beanType The type of bean to fetch
901   * @param eql      The Ebean query
902   * @param <T>      The type of the entity bean
903   * @return The query with expressions defined as per the parsed query statement
904   */
905  public static <T> Query<T> createQuery(Class<T> beanType, String eql) {
907    return getDefault().createQuery(beanType, eql);
908  }
910  /**
911   * Create a query for a type of entity bean.
912   * <p>
913   * This is actually the same as {@link #createQuery(Class)}. The reason it
914   * exists is that people used to JPA will probably be looking for a
915   * createQuery method (the same as entityManager).
916   * </p>
917   *
918   * @param beanType the type of entity bean to find
919   * @return A ORM Query object for this beanType
920   */
921  public static <T> Query<T> find(Class<T> beanType) {
923    return getDefault().find(beanType);
924  }
926  /**
927   * Create a query using native SQL.
928   * <p>
929   * The native SQL can contain named parameters or positioned parameters.
930   * </p>
931   * <pre>{@code
932   *
933   *   String sql = "select c.id, c.name from customer c where c.name like ? order by c.name";
934   *
935   *   Query<Customer> query = database.findNative(Customer.class, sql);
936   *   query.setParameter(1, "Rob%");
937   *
938   *   List<Customer> customers = query.findList();
939   *
940   * }</pre>
941   *
942   * @param beanType  The type of entity bean to fetch
943   * @param nativeSql The SQL that can contain named or positioned parameters
944   * @return The query to set parameters and execute
945   */
946  public static <T> Query<T> findNative(Class<T> beanType, String nativeSql) {
947    return getDefault().findNative(beanType, nativeSql);
948  }
950  /**
951   * Create a Query for DTO beans.
952   * <p>
953   * DTO beans are just normal bean like classes with public constructor(s) and setters.
954   * They do not need to be registered with Ebean before use.
955   * </p>
956   *
957   * @param dtoType The type of the DTO bean the rows will be mapped into.
958   * @param sql     The SQL query to execute.
959   * @param <T>     The type of the DTO bean.
960   */
961  public static <T> DtoQuery<T> findDto(Class<T> dtoType, String sql) {
962    return getDefault().findDto(dtoType, sql);
963  }
965  /**
966   * Create an Update query to perform a bulk update.
967   * <p>
968   * <pre>{@code
969   *
970   *  int rows = DB.update(Customer.class)
971   *      .set("status", Customer.Status.ACTIVE)
972   *      .set("updtime", new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()))
973   *      .where()
974   *        .gt("id", 1000)
975   *        .update();
976   *
977   * }</pre>
978   *
979   * @param beanType The type of entity bean to update
980   * @param <T>      The type of entity bean
981   * @return The update query to use
982   */
983  public static <T> UpdateQuery<T> update(Class<T> beanType) {
984    return getDefault().update(beanType);
985  }
987  /**
988   * Create a filter for sorting and filtering lists of entities locally without
989   * going back to the database.
990   * <p>
991   * This produces and returns a new list with the sort and filters applied.
992   * </p>
993   * <p>
994   * Refer to {@link Filter} for an example of its use.
995   * </p>
996   */
997  public static <T> Filter<T> filter(Class<T> beanType) {
998    return getDefault().filter(beanType);
999  }
1001//  /**
1002//   * Execute a Sql Update Delete or Insert statement. This returns the number of
1003//   * rows that where updated, deleted or inserted. If is executed in batch then
1004//   * this returns -1. You can get the actual rowCount after commit() from
1005//   * updateSql.getRowCount().
1006//   * <p>
1007//   * If you wish to execute a Sql Select natively then you should use the
1008//   * FindByNativeSql object.
1009//   * </p>
1010//   * <p>
1011//   * Note that the table modification information is automatically deduced and
1012//   * you do not need to call the DB.externalModification() method when you
1013//   * use this method.
1014//   * </p>
1015//   * <p>
1016//   * Example:
1017//   * </p>
1018//   * <pre>{@code
1019//   *
1020//   *   // example that uses 'named' parameters
1021//   *   String s = "UPDATE f_topic set post_count = :count where id = :id"
1022//   *
1023//   *   SqlUpdate update = DB.createSqlUpdate(s);
1024//   *
1025//   *   update.setParameter("id", 1);
1026//   *   update.setParameter("count", 50);
1027//   *
1028//   *   int modifiedCount = DB.execute(update);
1029//   *
1030//   *   String msg = "There where " + modifiedCount + "rows updated";
1031//   *
1032//   * }</pre>
1033//   *
1034//   * @param sqlUpdate the update sql potentially with bind values
1035//   * @return the number of rows updated or deleted. -1 if executed in batch.
1036//   * @see SqlUpdate
1037//   * @see CallableSql
1038//   * @see DB#execute(CallableSql)
1039//   */
1040//  public static int execute(SqlUpdate sqlUpdate) {
1041//    return defaultDatabase().execute(sqlUpdate);
1042//  }
1044//  /**
1045//   * For making calls to stored procedures.
1046//   * <p>
1047//   * Example:
1048//   * </p>
1049//   * <pre>{@code
1050//   *
1051//   *   String sql = "{call sp_order_modify(?,?,?)}";
1052//   *
1053//   *   CallableSql cs = DB.createCallableSql(sql);
1054//   *   cs.setParameter(1, 27);
1055//   *   cs.setParameter(2, "SHIPPED");
1056//   *   cs.registerOut(3, Types.INTEGER);
1057//   *
1058//   *   DB.execute(cs);
1059//   *
1060//   *   // read the out parameter
1061//   *   Integer returnValue = (Integer) cs.getObject(3);
1062//   *
1063//   * }</pre>
1064//   *
1065//   * @see CallableSql
1066//   * @see Ebean#execute(SqlUpdate)
1067//   */
1068//  public static int execute(CallableSql callableSql) {
1069//    return defaultDatabase().execute(callableSql);
1070//  }
1072  /**
1073   * Execute a TxRunnable in a Transaction with an explicit scope.
1074   * <p>
1075   * The scope can control the transaction type, isolation and rollback
1076   * semantics.
1077   * </p>
1078   * <pre>{@code
1079   *
1080   * // set specific transactional scope settings
1081   * TxScope scope = TxScope.requiresNew().setIsolation(TxIsolation.SERIALIZABLE);
1082   *
1083   * DB.execute(scope, new TxRunnable() {
1084   *   public void run() {
1085   *       User u1 = DB.find(User.class, 1);
1086   *     ...
1087   *   }
1088   * });
1089   *
1090   * }</pre>
1091   */
1092  public static void execute(TxScope scope, Runnable r) {
1093    getDefault().execute(scope, r);
1094  }
1096  /**
1097   * Execute a Runnable in a Transaction with the default scope.
1098   * <p>
1099   * The default scope runs with REQUIRED and by default will rollback on any
1100   * exception (checked or runtime).
1101   * </p>
1102   * <pre>{@code
1103   *
1104   * DB.execute(() -> {
1105   *
1106   *   User u1 = DB.find(User.class, 1);
1107   *   User u2 = DB.find(User.class, 2);
1108   *
1109   *   u1.setName("u1 mod");
1110   *   u2.setName("u2 mod");
1111   *
1112   *   DB.save(u1);
1113   *   DB.save(u2);
1114   * });
1115   * }</pre>
1116   */
1117  public static void execute(Runnable r) {
1118    getDefault().execute(r);
1119  }
1121  /**
1122   * Execute a Callable in a Transaction with an explicit scope.
1123   * <p>
1124   * The scope can control the transaction type, isolation and rollback
1125   * semantics.
1126   * </p>
1127   * <pre>{@code
1128   *
1129   * // set specific transactional scope settings
1130   * TxScope scope = TxScope.requiresNew().setIsolation(TxIsolation.SERIALIZABLE);
1131   *
1132   * DB.executeCall(scope, new Callable<String>() {
1133   *   public String call() {
1134   *       User u1 = DB.find(User.class, 1);
1135   *             ...
1136   *             return u1.getEmail();
1137   *   }
1138   * });
1139   * }</pre>
1140   */
1141  public static <T> T executeCall(TxScope scope, Callable<T> c) {
1142    return getDefault().executeCall(scope, c);
1143  }
1145  /**
1146   * Execute a Callable in a Transaction with the default scope.
1147   * <p>
1148   * The default scope runs with REQUIRED and by default will rollback on any
1149   * exception (checked or runtime).
1150   * </p>
1151   * <p>
1152   * This is basically the same as TxRunnable except that it returns an Object
1153   * (and you specify the return type via generics).
1154   * </p>
1155   * <pre>{@code
1156   *
1157   * DB.executeCall(() -> {
1158   *
1159   *   User u1 = DB.find(User.class, 1);
1160   *   User u2 = DB.find(User.class, 2);
1161   *
1162   *   u1.setName("u1 mod");
1163   *   u2.setName("u2 mod");
1164   *
1165   *   DB.save(u1);
1166   *   DB.save(u2);
1167   *
1168   *   return u1.getEmail();
1169   * });
1170   * }</pre>
1171   */
1172  public static <T> T executeCall(Callable<T> c) {
1173    return getDefault().executeCall(c);
1174  }
1176  /**
1177   * Inform Ebean that tables have been modified externally. These could be the
1178   * result of from calling a stored procedure, other JDBC calls or external
1179   * programs including other frameworks.
1180   * <p>
1181   * If you use DB.execute(UpdateSql) then the table modification information
1182   * is automatically deduced and you do not need to call this method yourself.
1183   * </p>
1184   * <p>
1185   * This information is used to invalidate objects out of the cache and
1186   * potentially text indexes. This information is also automatically broadcast
1187   * across the cluster.
1188   * </p>
1189   * <p>
1190   * If there is a transaction then this information is placed into the current
1191   * transactions event information. When the transaction is committed this
1192   * information is registered (with the transaction manager). If this
1193   * transaction is rolled back then none of the transaction event information
1194   * registers including the information you put in via this method.
1195   * </p>
1196   * <p>
1197   * If there is NO current transaction when you call this method then this
1198   * information is registered immediately (with the transaction manager).
1199   * </p>
1200   *
1201   * @param tableName the name of the table that was modified
1202   * @param inserts   true if rows where inserted into the table
1203   * @param updates   true if rows on the table where updated
1204   * @param deletes   true if rows on the table where deleted
1205   */
1206  public static void externalModification(String tableName, boolean inserts, boolean updates, boolean deletes) {
1207    getDefault().externalModification(tableName, inserts, updates, deletes);
1208  }
1210  /**
1211   * Return the BeanState for a given entity bean.
1212   * <p>
1213   * This will return null if the bean is not an enhanced entity bean.
1214   * </p>
1215   */
1216  public static BeanState getBeanState(Object bean) {
1217    return getDefault().getBeanState(bean);
1218  }
1220  /**
1221   * Return the manager of the level 2 cache ("L2" cache).
1222   */
1223  public static ServerCacheManager getServerCacheManager() {
1224    return getDefault().getServerCacheManager();
1225  }
1227  /**
1228   * Return the BackgroundExecutor service for asynchronous processing of
1229   * queries.
1230   */
1231  public static BackgroundExecutor getBackgroundExecutor() {
1232    return getDefault().getBackgroundExecutor();
1233  }
1235  /**
1236   * Return the JsonContext for reading/writing JSON.
1237   */
1238  public static JsonContext json() {
1239    return getDefault().json();
1240  }